Chapter 4: My First Day

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'Alright time to head to school'

I took the keys to the Rolls Royce and headed to school. When I went to the parking lot I got a lot of stares from the students and teachers. then out of nowhere one student started chanting then the rest of the students joined chanting.

"Daddy's money *clap* *clap *clap* *clap* *calp*," they said (x5)

"My dad neglected and didn't know I ran away till 5 months after my disappearance so no this is not his money, and my mom did the same," I said

"liar," the original figure said

I teleported behind him, "My name is Izuku Lunar ex known as Izuku Yagi do you believe me now? Look at the missing person file when you can. I'll be in class 1-A by the way."

"that's a nice quirk I'll just use it myself" He started, " My names Neito Monoma, Wait you have a healing quirk so how'd you teleport" 

"I didn't" 

"But then how you don't have a speed quirk" 


"Whatever I'll still be better than you class 1-a scum"

When I went inside I headed to my class or at least I thought I did. Turns out the school is even bigger than it looks. and the school is at least five times bigger than my estate. I ended up in class 3-A instead of 1-A and there I met 3 kids who were friends but had completely different personalities one was anti-social, one had no filter and would rapid-fire questions, and one would just try and crack jokes and have a fun conversation. I later learned they were the top 3 students in UA so far, the Anti-Social one was named Tamaki Amajiki, the No- Filter girl was named Nejire Hado, and the jokester was named Mirio Togata. They showed me how to get to class and right before I walked in I heard 

"Shut up for-eyes" 

"That is very disrespectful to this school, so take your feet off the desk" 

I opened the door immediately recognizing those two as Bakugo and the blue-haired kid from the exam I looked around and saw the girl I rescued, and finally, I saw a girl with a ponytail and onyx eyes with a bang off the side of her hair. She looked familiar but I don't remember why. She spotted me and started to stare at me in confusion as well. Then I saw my sister I looked away immediately after seeing her. I was starting to head to my seat but then the blue-haired kid walked up to me.

He started, "Hello my name is Tenya Iida, I'm sorry for my behavior at the entrance exam I didn't even notice that there might be a secret part of the exam, but you figur-" 

"No I didn't know about that part of the exam, I just saw someone who needed help and helped them," I said

I walked away and sat down near the back next to the girl that looked familiar. 

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(Izuku took Todoroki's seat, Todoroki took Mineta's seat, and Izumi took Midoriya's seat Mineta didn't get in this AU)

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