Chapter 24: Loss

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3 months later

"FUUUUUUCK" I yelled into the sky

Damn those mother fucking Otsutsuki. It's now mid-January 2322, and we were losing the war, badly.

During the 3rd week of warfare, each captain was relieved of duty. Now all that was needed for a team was consent from each person in the team, and permission from one of the original 12 captains to attack, of course, each captain needed an explanation and needed to make sure that even if it fails miserably we still wouldn't suffer any major losses.

During the end of the first month, we had a huge upper hand, eliminating the competition to 70 vs. 15,000, but then fall came, and winter/fall diseases started to appear. It wasn't hard to keep up with for the first 2 weeks, healing only about 4-5 people a day. With me, Momo, Itsuka Kendo, Ibara Shiozaki, and of-course Kota the work was easy and fast. But the problem came not long after that, Shigaraki started to use poison and with the Cold, Flu, Coronavirus, etc. spreading it was impossible to keep up with the 20+ patients coming in each day, each one taking a couple of days to heal, so usually we set out to the four battlegrounds with just more than 10 people, and during the second day of December, we suffered our first losses.

Neito Monoma, Manga Fukidashi, Sekijiro Kan (Vlad King), and Mashirao Ojiro.

Those were the people we've lost. Over the past couple of months, I was able to awaken a weak affinity for the other elements, water, and earth however because of their weak nature I'll never be able to master the Justus like I am with the other three, however, I used these affinities to get a piece of earth and super-pressurize it into a crystallized form, then washing off the stone with water, cutting it with wind & fire I made a beautiful transparent sky-blue gemstone and carved their names on it, before building a monument for them. I knew others may die so I left the area for anyone who died during the battle for them. Protected forever by a Lightning cloak around the area that would hospitalize anyone going there with ill-will.

I was right.

We lost, Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, Rikidou Sato, and the rest of class 1-b aside from Itsuka Kendo and Ibara Shiozaki who are both healers, for the students. Adult-wise we lost Nezu, Snipe, Crust, Yaroi Musha, Wash, and Midnight.

As for the others in the top 10, well they just finished their Elite-Jonin level training and are about to be sent out to the front-lines instead of as support.

Flashback December 15th, 2321 (3rd POV)

"Let's go Class 1-b its time to take out the trash!" Tetsu Testsu yelled

"LETS GETTEM'" They all replied

As soon as they said that they broke off into groups to each battle sanction, I set up a space-time barrier to instantly travel from a safe point to here, so I wouldn't waste so much chakra being a run-buddy. 

What they didn't expect was to be facing angry Otsutsuki. 

It was a slaughter. Nothing less. 

When each group arrived they arrived while both sides were retreating to tend the injured and prepare for warfare tomorrow. The perfect time to strike. The perfect time to get ahead tomorrow.

What wasn't planned was for the Otsutsuki to stop them. Every scouting mission confirmed until this point that the Otsutsuki would leave the battle to the Nomu and Villains. Each time they scouted the current role of the Otsutsuki was support and medic, that's all there was.

"All right let's go in teams of two" Kendo whispered to her team

"Alright" They responded

Tetsu-Tetsu's team, Pony's team, and Yosetsu's team all had the same plan.

"Well, what do we have here?" The Otsutski for each team said sarcastically

"Run" Kendo/Testsu/Yosetsu/Pony yelled

"Nope too late, Earth Burial" All the Otsutsuki calmly said before burying all 16 of the kids on the earth

Flashback December 23rd, 2321

"Were outnumbered and impossibly low on Chakra and Nen!" Midnight shouted, "We have to retreat no-"

She was interrupted by a knife piercing her heart. 

"NEMURI!" Snipe yelled grabbing her

But it was too late, her eyes went dark right as she caught her. lifeless.

"FUCK YOU ALL!" Snipe yelled and began a sloppy assault messing up due to his erratic emotions, and that caused his death. He jumped in-between a mob of 100 with no back-up no remaining Chakra and only his rage and his adrenaline. He successfully killed 30 of them before being hit. 

Seeing him fail to stop the villains a tired Crust and Yaroi Musha went in ahead to help. but right before they arrived Snipe was brutally murdered by Toga who came out of the shadows and assassinated him before slipping right out.

Not long later falling into the same trap, Crust and Yaroi Musha were killed while Wash tried to escape, but due to the lack of re-enforcements was quickly finished as well.

Present time (Izuku's POV)

Huh, would you look at my pathetic ass. I built the Spacetime seals but still couldn't help. 

"Zuzu are you ok?" Mo asked

"I-I'm fine-e" I muttered

"That wasn't really a question," She said and pulled me away from the memorial, "It wasn't your fault, You did everything you could okay? You were worn down from evacuating everyone, in fact, you were out for 2 1/2 weeks from chakra exhaustion after it, leaving a barely functioning blood-clone to try and watch out while you were asleep. Then as soon as you were at 60% you built the space-time seals and almost fainted again. by the time you recovered they already died. stop blaming yourself, okay?" 

I just cried.

"I just, I didn't think we would lose, I thought that we could protect them all if they were injured," I said sobbing

"If this is what war is I don't know how people did it 3 times against the other countries and still managed," Mo whispered

"Because of people like you," I responded

"Huh? what do you mean?" 

"Because we had support beams like you who could keep us going, and they had their Girlfriend's, boyfriends, Children, and family to protect,"

"See how you're feeling better"

"I guess, let's go but first," I said to Mo then turned around, "Thanks to everyone for your service, we will win and you're deaths will NOT be in vain, and that is a promise,"

Authors Note

I needed a way to kill off some people. I'm sorry if I killed off anyone you cared about however it wouldn't be a war without some losses. I also want to apologize for taking so goddamn long to update. I know how I want to end the war, and the story but I have a few details I just can't work out and it takes forever for me to decide. Again thanks for all your patience.

Peace for now,


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