Chapter 9: Tension

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One day later... Again

Thankfully I wasn't subbing today, yesterday was a hassle. But for some reason, I felt like today was gonna be a hassle as well. On my drive to school, I ran into momo in her limo riding to school. I waved and she waved back, but, that was the end of the interaction. 

When I got to school, I sat down at my desk and waited for Uncle Sho, and as usual, the class was noisy talking to each other unlike most days today I didn't want to be apart of It and just let it happen.

After a few moments, he arrived and said "It took you 4 seconds to shut up this time you're improving but need to be faster."

"Yes sensei" They replied with a hint of sarcasm

Either sensei didn't notice or didn't care but he moved on. He then explained that we needed hero names so he brought in Midnight to approve or decline the names before we could continue.

First up was Aoyama who went with "The sparkling hero: I Can't stop twinkling"

"Why don't you make it The Sparkling Hero: Twinkle King" Midnight

"Why yes that is simply perfect," He said

Next up was Bakugo who went with "Explosive hero: King Explosion Murder"

"No way, To Vulgar and sounds more like a villain name, plus it has the word murder in it" Midnight responds to Bakugo

"Tch- whatever," He said then sat down

Next up was Ashido who went with, "the acid hero: Alien queen" 

"Why don't you try Pink Queen, It's easier and less questionable " Midnight responds

"OK ! :)" She responded

Next up was Tsu and her name "The rainy season hero: Froppy"

Suddenly the whole class seemed to sigh In relief. The whole class seemed to be worried about how weird and different the names of the others were.

Next up was Sato who said, "The sweets hero: Sugar Rush" 

Shouji went next with, "The tentacle hero: Tentacole"

"Great choice, NEXT" Midnight approved

Next was Momo who said, "The creation hero: Creati, I hope to do this name justice"

"You will bring that name justice and then some, it's a great name! NEXT" Midnight said

When she went back to her seat I complimented the name saying it fit perfectly and was a great name, following which I walked up to present my name.

"The Power hero: Awakening, that will be my name," I said

'Awakening as a homage to the training and power awakening I was granted by my masters who trained me for 5 years selflessly. A homage to the power they gave me to continue forward, and make my resolve unbreakable' I thought during the presentation of my name.

"Perfect, absolutely wonderful, with that said NEXT," Midnight said

"The powered up Telepath: Dekiru," Izumi said when she came up next

"Simple but effective, NEXT," she said

After a while, everyone finished saying their name and midnight left. Then Aizawa stood up and showed us a screen with big numbers

Izuku Midorya: 5,232

Momo: 2,342

Kirishima: 1,997

Todoroki: 1,995

Bakugo: 1,1875

Tenya Iida: 100

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