Chapter 2: Training

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When I walked through the portal I was standing on a platform of glass floating in the sky. Down below there were four areas one was a New York City in the Pre-quirk era with some building alterations, one was a forest with a village nearby, one was a small city block with a police station, a house, and a small forest not far outside it, finally the last is was one that had an area with one huge building that was 250 stories high, and a small house next door.

After I had looked for a bit I turned around and looked into god's eyes and he asked "you like what you see" 


"Now let me get your trainers," He snaps and 8 figures appears behind him

"Hey king," All 8 figures say in unison

"Izuku these are your trainers," King says

"What happened to him," Figure 3 says

King proceeds to show them how badly he was treated for the last 10 1/2 years of his life and shows how much pain he was in. and how his own father betrayed him.

"Sorry kid, that's rough but we all have had our fair share of troubles, but yours takes the cake" Figure 7 states

"Damn I thought I had it rough" Figure 1 states "Naruto Uzumaki that's my name"

"Sauske Uchiha" Figure 2 states

"Hi I'm Gon Freecss" Figure 4 states

"Hey I was supposed to go first, Anyway Killua nice to meet you" Figure 3 states

"Sorry I was excited" Freecss Replies

"Light Yagami" Figure 5 says

"L," says figure six who is curled up

"Tony Stark" Figure 7 states

"Peter Parker" Figure 8 states

"Okay king who's starting," Yagami asks

"You and L will teach him what you can about strategy your the best I know" King starts " Once he learns strategy He will go to Gon and Killua to learn how to fight and fight with nen also no need to teach him the strength he's wearing 63 tons of weight right now,  After that is over you will head to Sasuke And Naruto to learn about chakra and turn that into elemental energy, finally you will end with stark and peter here who will teach you about gadgets so you can make your own equipment, also call everyone by there first name except for stark Izuku" King explained

"Alright Izuku follow me" Light states

They arrive at the small city block area and light begins his story about how he got the death note. After his explanation, he told me how he needed to learn how to make traps and countless false leads to avoid suspicion if he was being hunted. Next, it was L's turn to explain he explained how he hunted down Light Yagami and why he lost. He said that if you are the hunter you must look past all the false leads, and always make sure to be suspicious If you're the hunter, he also said that even the proven innocent can be guilty so always be aware.

After they're done explaining and Izuku His questions they explain the plan for his training path and how he will learn to strategize moves better than anyone else in his world. 

Year 1

Izuku Learns from Light how to set up multiple false leads in one move to avert the blame away from him, during the first 6 months. The rest of the year L taught him how to follow all the leads at once to find the real culprit and how to strategize if you need to separate men to find the culprit.

Year 2 & 3 (Light)

Light took the next two years to teach Izuku how to make traps for your opponent to fall into, How to locate hidden security details, and how to find blindspots in his second year. 

Izuku Yagi God's Training (Izumomo)Where stories live. Discover now