Chapter 17: Overhaul & Eri

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"Overhaul, I cannot return this girl you have clearly been abusing her," I say

"so you know who I am? good, now I can kill you!" He yelled

"I'm good, let's go, ma'am," I say picking up the girl and flying away

"Get Back Here!" He yells flying behind me with wings made of concrete

Good, now I can lead him to a place where he won't cause any damage.

"NO! First, you'll have to catch me!" I yell back

"Stupid hero he'll die for underestimating the eight precepts of death!" he mutters and lands

"Haha, I'm not just an ordinary hero you know! I am stronger than All Might, I AM AWAKENING" I yell back

"DIE" He yelled sending spikes toward me.

"Too short," I reply, "Goodbye overhaul, Next time I'll be arresting you!" 

Seeing me get away he created a Motorcycle from the spikes and started chasing me. After a few minutes, he gets angry and makes a pistol from the ground, and begins shooting me. 

You know that's not gonna work I have armor made of nano-mesh metal. Well, I can't take more than 3 bullets unless I make a shield so that's what I'll do. Thanks, Mr.Stark.

seeing his endless barrage of shots I make a shield out of the extra Nanomesh and block his bullets. For the time being it works and while I'm flying backward he is unloading bullet after bullet into my shield. 

"Fine then, Die Eri!" He yells shooting a bullet at the girl. 

"Not gonna happen," I respond then yell, "Lightning Style: Chidori"

*Chirp* *Chirp* *Shing*

I cut the bullet down the middle as it approached the little girl. Half a second later and she would have died. 

Mangekyo Sharingan: Ameterasu

Suddenly his pistol ignites in black flames and burns his hand. Instinctively he drops the gun and stops his bike. I turn around and start flying forwards again. I can't let him keep rampaging I have to bring him to the forest and stop him there. If I bring him to my Timespace he will have too much time to make as many weapons out of the ground as possible before I get there. This is the only way.

Soon I hear the bike rev and he begins following me again. 5 more minutes till we're out of the way for citizens, 5 more minutes till I can take care of him, 5 more minutes till I win. I look back and see he is still following me, but then out of nowhere stops and turns around. 

"You win this time Awakening, But you will NOT be so lucky next time!" He yells. 

Phew, Immediate danger over. Tomorrow I will beat him.

"Hey are you alright miss," I say to the girl

"Y-y-yes, are you going to hurt me?" She asked

"Hurt you? No not in a million years, take care of you? Yes, now I need to make a quick visit home and then will you come with me?" I ask

"Y-yes Mister" She responds

"Ok, My name is Izuku Lunar, What's yours?" I ask

"I'm Eri," She said

"Ok, Eri hold on tight okay?"

"Ok Mr. Lunar," Eri said

Lightning Style: Flying Rajin

"Were here!" I state in an exciting way then calm down and say, "Also Eri call me Izuku okay! You don't have to be proper with me," 

"Ok Mis- I mean Izuku," Eri said

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