Chapter 23: 70 vs 32,000

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(Momo's POV)

"It's 6:15 we should get up," Zuzu started, "we've got to tell everybody the war has begun"

I woke up instantly after that. He was right, It was going to be on the news. and if we don't explain when we can we lose. 

"Okay," I say sternly grabbing my towel and leaving his room

(Izuku POV)

"Okay," Mo said seriously and grabbed her towel to go shower

"Mo, I'm gonna go get Eri and leave a re-inforced shadow clone I know that will hinder me but I need to make sure Eri feels safe and is with us okay?" I said

"Fine but I'm doing the same. Even if we do this we'll both still have the most chakra than any of the troops and captains, besides I want to hang with Eri as well," Mo replied

"Okay well I'm going to tell Eri, also let's send her away on 'vacation' with 'us' with your parents while we fight, 'kay?"

"Okay, I'll contact my parents after I shower," she said

"No need I'll call them while I'm making breakfast okay?"

"Fine Zuzu"

After that, I left the room and Mo got undressed and went to shower. I walked down the hall to get Eri and knocked before opening the door.

"Huh? papa what is it?" She asked

"Eri honey wake up we've got a surprise for you today okay?" 

"Okay, papa!" She said and got up and started to get ready.

After that, I got what I needed to make Eri's favorite apple cinnamon rolls and got some oranges and put them on the table. After everything was out I called Momo's Parents.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" Hiashi responded

"Hello Hiashi I'm calling because last night it began," I said

"Really? Why haven't I heard about it?" He asked

"Because we took out their scouting party of 500 in less than 2 minutes," I responded

"Still I should have heard about it? I mean 500 villains would be noticed," He said not believing it

"Actually you did, It just was a different story. Have you heard about the crater that appeared yesterday?" I asked


"Actually that was mostly Mo" 


"Hiashi one name, Kurama" 

"THAT WAS HIS POWER!" He yelled then calmed down, "Anyway I have a feeling that this wasn't simply because of that."

"Yes, actually Mo and I wanted to know if we could send you, your wife, and Eri with re-inforced clones of us to America?" I ask

"When do we leave," He said seriously

"I'd like to send you off today or tomorrow, you won't be taking a plane but rather a first-class trip on my clones Susanoo, It will be rougher and less comfortable but you will reach America in 3 hours to 3 hours and 30 seconds depending on what city or area you want to go to," I said

"And how long will we be gone?" He asked

"Dunno, as long as the war lasts I guess, so probably around a month or two,"

"Okay, I'll tell my wife I'd Like to leave at 1 pm and go to Miami so we can hang out on the beach."

"Sounds good Hiashi I'll see you at around 12:30 so we can say our goodbyes till we see you again," 

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