Chapter 22: The war has begun

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(3rd POV)

"Attack!" Shigaraki yelled to his troops and they all went running for the city of Mustafu


Izuku's Mustafu west side sensor went off. It was probably nothing but in the case that it was, well he didn't want to risk it seeing as how it was about time for Shigaraki to attack.

"You know if it's another farmer with a bunch of wagons full of crops I'm gonna flip," He said to himself as he was about to teleport over

"Hey, Zuzu where you going?" Momo asked 

"I'm just going to check a safety alarm I set a few weeks ago for numbers over 20 coming into the city at once," I respond then finish, "You should remember you saw me setting some up."

"Oh okay I guess I'll splash my face in case it is something," She replied

"Ok but hurry IF it is something we gotta hurry so we can operate phase one," He replied and waited for Momo to respond

Back over with Shigiraki, he laughing as he saw his first wave of 200 Nomu of the 5,000 he created and 500 Villains all of who were troublesome at the very worst. He had a total of 5 waves ready but he only sent one tonight to take over the city to see what he was fighting against. 

"I know you've got something up your sleeve to stop us Izuku Lunar BUT I WILL outsmart you and when I do," He then started cackling evilly then suddenly stopped then it went pitch black and he finished menacingly, "I will kill you all for the world to see. so show me what you can do, Izuku Lunar"

"The forces will arrive into the city in  30 seconds," Kurogiri reported to Shigaraki

"Good, let's take the city tonight so they're at a disadvantage when they arrive," He responded and got up to watch


"What the hell was that?!" Shigaraki screamed

Flashback July 27th, 2321 (Izuku's POV)

"Good once I set these up once Tenko or should I say Shigaraki attacks I'll stop him before he reaches the city," I said to myself

"That sounds like a good plan," Someone said behind me

I turned around to see Mo looking at me.

I replied, "Well ya I'm setting up an alarm system for when large groups come in through to make sure it isn't the villains that way we can stop them. Actually speaking of I was wondering if you would be willing to help me with the hardest part of my plan?"

"Sure what do you need Zuzu?" Momo asked

"Well I want us, Just me and you to take out the first wave of the group knowing Tenko he'll send in a small group of like 100 or so to stop us, but here's where it gets hard I want to use our flashy Susanoo and Nine-tails mode to launch an attack to wipe them all out once we do he'll have to send the Otsutsuki forward later after he regroups that way we fight the hardest battle first and once we beat them, we win the war," I explain

She responds, "How do you know that he is going to send in only a small group first?" 

"L taught me this to learn your enemy when you're the hunter, but, Light also told me to learn that even the best hunter can become the hunted to even the easiest of prey," 

"But that doesn't tell me anything!" She pouted

"Let's start with what L taught me 'kay? Good so L said to learn your enemy. What he meant was to learn to think like them, learn to anticipate their next move, learn to predict them. First was learning to think like him and that was the hardest," I said laughing at the end

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