Chapter 3: Getting into UA

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(Not My Picture)

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(Not My Picture)

I have been dropped off at my new house thanks to Mr. Stark. The Drive from here to Musutafu is about 10 minutes and it's a 30-minute drive to UA. But this is just how I like It Isolated so I don't have to worry about other people (My family) Ruin it. I submitted my registration to UA The day I got here and the exam is in 3 days I wrote down my actual quirk not telling them about my nen or chakra yet. 

I took My Lambo and decided to hit up Uncle Shoto to tell him how I was doing I was unaware of the search going on for me so I figured my parents still didn't know I was missing.

Timeskip Uncle Shota's apartment

I rung the doorbell and knocked on the door and waited for a bit he should be awake now it's 12:00 pm he usually gets up around 11 so I should be good I think. When the door opens his eyes widen for a sec.

I say "Hey Uncle Sh-" 

I was cut off by a hug. 

"You know you've been missing for 5 months now right?" He asks

I reply "Actually its been 10 months they just didn't notice till 5 months ago" 

"Those damn bastards how do they not know there kid has been missing for months" 

Aizawa's POV

I just finished getting ready for the day and had breakfast when I heard someone at the door. I opened It to find my nephew who's been missing for 5 months right in front of me.

As soon as I hear him say Hi I knew It was him and gave him a big hug.

When I told him he was missing for 5 months he said it was 10 but they didn't know until 5 months later. At which point I was pissed how did they not notice one of their children missing for 5 months?  I then Invited him inside and we got talking and he told me how he went and trained for 20 years in a different world that was only 10 months in this one meaning that 2 years on that planet was one month here 365 days is 15 days there. 

"So kid where are you staying now?" I ask

"Oh want me to show you," He says

"Sure I need to get out of here sooner or later" 

"Great well than text midnight and Nezu, and Mic to meet at this address and I'll take you there in my ride"

"What ride?" I ask confused as to what he meant

He pulls out Lamborghini car keys and then a license to drive and takes me to see this beauty of a car and he unlocks it and says to hop in the passenger seat. 


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