Chapter 7: The Teacher-Student Izuku

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Izuku's POV

After My discussion with Recovery Girl I left and drove home. That night I trained my speed at implementing my Flying Raijin marks. I was able to get it down from 1.5 seconds to .25 seconds before I went to bed for a nap. 

Timeskip: just before class (Aizawa's POV)

"I heard you needed me Nezu," I said

"Yes, you see Izuku will be out of class today to take two test's he will need for tomorrow and Friday " Nezu explains

"For what?" I ask slightly confused

"Well, you see you are going to have the day off to recover tomorrow and Friday, and the one who will be teaching will be Izuku. He is taking his provisional license and Teaching License exams today." 

"WAIT!!! WHAT!!! He's been at UA for a week and a half!!! He shouldn't be getting his License this early? But also his teaching license? May I ask why"

"Yes let me explain, you see Aizawa, Izuku is more talented and has enough control and training over his quirk to match that of the third year. However more importantly Is it would be impossible to have a substitute teacher but with your wounds, you can't have the class doing that much that is why he will be going, In fact, looking at the time he should be starting" Nezu explains

"Ok, but it's not my fault if the kid gets hurt," I said then whispered, "Just don't get killed, Izuku"

Licensing Exam: Start Izuku's POV

"Ok let's see the first exam we have to hit people with balls, clearly for teamwork purposes most of the classes will stick together" I mutter, "That means if I want to pass more than likely I'll have to take down one of the classes"

"Hey guys look at that kid over there he's muttering his whole strategy, WAIT HE THINKS HE CAN BEAT US HAHAHAHA. Let's show him a lesson" A random student says

"CONTESTANTS, BEGIN" the microphone states

Suddenly I'm surrounded by kids from Ketsubutsu Acadamy. 

"Alright everyone let's show this punk what it means to mess with us." A random student said

"I'm good," I say 

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

That's all the students hear before looking behind them to see me, just walking towards the finish box.

"Student Izuku Lunar has passed the first exam, there is still 1 hour 58 minutes and 37 seconds remaining" 

(Note: In this AU they have 2 hours to get people anyone who can't get there points within that time fail)

"How did you pass you teleported or something," A random student said before getting cut off

Tanami Nakagame and Shikkui Makabe's buzzers for failure went off. I only know their names cause that's what the buzzers said their names were. The whole class was in an uproar because a kid was faster than they could track it looked like he was teleporting.

"Ha that's one hell of a quirk, I won't forget you," A student said

"Na I did that quirk-less I didn't feel like wasting my time with you lot" I responded

"Like I'll believe you kid no one moves that fast without a quirk," A different student says

"Follow my class 2-2 from Ketsubutu, If you want proof" I reply, "But if you do you promise a truce with me, if you attack me I won't promise I'll let you leave unscathed"

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