t w e n t y s i x

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PELI MOTTO KNEW SHE WOULD be seeing a lot more of the Mandalorian after his first visit to the mechanics workshop.

It was as if trouble seemed to find him.

"I sure hope that kid is worth it," she said, examining the damage on the Razor Crest, "You'll both be dead if you're not more careful out there."

He ignored her remark, "How much for repairs?"

"Not as much as before. Just a little exterior work by the looks of it."

"Make it fast," said Mando, "We've got places to be."

"You know there's something I hate almost as much as droids and that's being rushed, I'm telling ya, you can't—"

"Get back here!" Mia whisper-yelled, following the speeding little BB droid out of the ship.

The child cooed and snuggled in her right arm as she chased after the droid.

Peli raised a brow.

He cleverly forgot to mention the pretty girl he was travelling with.

"I'm sorry," said Mia, ushering the droid back inside, "He's obnoxiously curios."

The Mandalorian inwardly sighed as he watched the growing excitement on Peli's creased features.

As soon as Mia was out of sight, a wide smile grew on Peli's lips.

"You've been busy." She grinned.

"Look, are you going to start the work or not." He gruffly replied.

"Pretty girl and the child," she said, "Got yourself a nice little family there, Mando."

"We're not a family." He said.

She watched him closely, somehow picking up a difference in his demeanour.

After all, she was an excellent judge of character.

"Well in that case I'll have her as the payment for repairs," she said, "I know a Hutt who'd pay big bucks to have her as his own personal plaything."

Without hesitation, the Mandalorian stepped forward inching his helmet threateningly close to her face.

"You so much as touch her," he said low and quiet, "there's no place where you won't be able to hide from me."

She smiled once more, "Good, you've admitted you have feelings for her."

He stepped back.

She tricked him.

"But the question is, have you told her that?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" He said.

"Now listen close because I don't give out my godly advice to just anyone."

Mando waited patiently.

All sarcasm and charisma dropped from her features, replaced with the most serious he'd ever seen her.

"You gotta tell her how you feel." She said.

That same feeling of feeling of fear filled his stomach, the kind that occurred every time he thought about doing just that.

"I've got bigger priorities at the moment." He said.

She shook her head, "The galaxy's always going to give you more than you handle. It's just the way that ones goes. No offence, but people will want to kill you all the time."

"Your point?"

"Fate can only do so much," she said, "So when life gives you opportunity you have to take it for yourself. It's the choices we make that lead us down our paths...not fate."

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