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LIGHT STEPPING WASN'T A POSSIBILITY IN HEELED SHOES, so much so that Mia resisted the strong urge to rip them off her feet in an isntatnt.

Having to step incredibly slow, the pair made their way through the various hallways, heading in the direction of the casino at the centre.

The stale, white corridors were being heavily patrolled by droids, meaning they exercised a lot of backing up against walls, silent anticipated waiting and small movements.

"There." Mia pointed to a double gold door at the end of one hallway, just like the droid had described to her.

With hushed movements, the Mandalorian made for the door, checking once before signalling for her to follow.

They halted by the back entrance door, Mia breathing a sigh of relief. She was surprised she'd made it this far in the ridiculous attire she was wearing, her tanned leg feeling an unfamiliar breeze through the slit in the dress.

"So what am I looking for when I get in there?"

"His name is Wes Panzoro." Mando said to her in a hushed tone, "Yellow hair, scar on his neck and an Imperial tattoo on his left hand."

"I very much doubt he's just going to give up the location of Queen Sortuna to a stranger." Mia quivered.

She would have preferred to slice his ear off for information; This particular method was utter humiliation.

"All we need is a rough bearing." Mando creaked the door slightly to get a look inside the bustling casino. "Just remember - he likes his own ego," He spared a look at Mia, "and the company of a woman."

Mia clenched her jaw, "Let's get this over with."

Once signalling that the coast was clear, the pair slid into the casino, moving in with a small crowd and then slowly easing into the casual setting of the elite.

Stepping with caution and poise, Mia scanned the area. The plethora of gambling tables, bar stools and slot machines were heavily crowded by the most beautiful people. It was a disastrous facade of happiness and wealth.

But her soft, brown eyes landed on the bright yellow hair she was seeking. With his white suit and hand full of credits, she was surprised she hadn't spotted him immediately.

The Mandalorian took a seat at the bar in the far end of the room, keeping a clear line of vision on Mia.

Here goes nothing, she thought on her approach to the gambling table where he sat, leaned back confidently in his chair.

"Is this seat taken?" She pulled up the empty one beside him.

A shiver ran down her spine as Wes Panzoro trailed his eyes across her body, an ever growing smirk on his arrogant lips.

"It is now." He bit his lip as she sat, crossing one leg over the other.

"I like your tattoo." She batted her lashes shamefully, her finger grazing over the Imperial star on his fist.

He laughed, displaying a set of bright white teeth, "I don't think I've seen you here before."

Mando watched grudgingly. He didn't like seeing this side of her, the side that leaned closer to reveal the dip in her neckline or how she mindlessly twirled her hair with her finger.

Though, he was curious to how she managed to sit so comfortably knowing that she'd stashed blades in her undergarments - that was certainly impressive.

"I don't get out of the house often," she looked up at Wes through her long lashes, "So when I do, things can get a little crazy."

"Oh really?" A devious glint in his eyes.

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