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GOLDEN SUN RAYS AND MORNING, DEWY AIR struck harshly through the small hut as Mia awoke the next morning. She turned to find the Mandalorian absent, so proceed outside after getting ready.

He pushed himself from his leaning position against the edge of the hut as he noticed her approach.

"See? I didn't get murdered in my sleep." She said, huffing a lose strand of hair from her face as she refastened her daggers to her hip.

"Well it's morning, and I don't see a fuel shipment." He scanned the village with careful eyes. "That womp rat of a farmer's in deep shit." His fist clenched around the blaster at his side.

Mia tilted her head at him, "Turn around, laser brain."

Between the scatter of village huts, a pair of villagers approached them, lugging a crate of fuel supply pulled by an animal cart.

The Mandalorian stormed towards them, his cape following him in pursuit.

"How are we supposed to get this to our ship? It's miles away." He asked the frightened looking pair.

She was ready to interrupt and apologise for her partners unexplainable rudeness when she felt a small tug at her leg.

"Do you have to leave?" asked a little girl, her blonde hair spun into a small bun. Mia felt her heart melt into a puddle.

The village brought back so many memories of her own on her home planet. There was a a sense of family and belonging, something which the bounty world lacked.

She crouched before the small girl, "Yeah, we do." She peeked over to make sure Mando wasn't listening. "And maybe I'll come back to visit one day."

The Mandalorian watched them talk from the corner of his eye as he continued to bargain with the villagers, though he couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

The girl picked a small white flower from the grass and placed it into Mia's hair just above her ear.

"If you visit us again, can you braid my hair like yours?"

A smile graced the assassin's features, "Of course."

"Come on."  The Mandalorian said, taking a seat on the back of the animal drawn cart.

After embracing the girl in a small hug, Mia knew she had to part from the village as quickly as she could before she gave into the desire to never leave.

She scanned the area for Talon, but he was nowhere to be seen. If he wanted to wish her farewell he would have.

The two villagers had agreed to take the pair on the cart with their fuel supply, and after a mile of silence, the Mandalorian spoke.

"You liked it here." He said, watching her fiddle with the flower in her hair.

"Yeah," Mia said quietly, "but next time I'm coming alone." She shot him a glare.

He turned, "Next time?"

She folded her arms, ignoring him for the remainder of the journey. He'd shown nothing but hostility to such an honest place full of beautiful people. She never wanted to experience it like that again.

He and the other hand, got to witness a side of Mia he had never seen. There was a moment when she wasn't an assassin, but a simple farm girl who enjoyed the land and it's people. When she was here, she radiated that youthfulness and joy from within. He could tell she was sad to part with that.

As the Razor Crest came into view, the two left from the cart and with the help of the farmers, mounted the fuel onto the ship.

The Mandalorian poured one into the tank to fill it up whilst an approaching figure caught Mia's attention.

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