t h i r t e e n

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HER LOCKS CURLED AT THE ENDS AND THE DRYNESS OF HER TONGUE were the result of hours spent under the burning Tatooine suns.

Mia and Mando clambered onto the Razor Crest with their acquired items. Fur coats, ammunition, new blasters, food stock and other weaponry they would require for the snow planet - Hoth.

The Mandalorian tested the weight and feel of the smaller blasters he'd bought. His masked features tilting as he examined the weaponry. He liked a good blaster.

Evening fast approached, the sky darkened upon their return to the ship. Although the voice in Mia's head screamed for sleep, the growl of her stomach was much louder.

Gathering some raw ingredients she'd picked up from the market stalls, Mia stepped into the darkening Tatooine night and set up a small fire outside of the ship. The thought of eating another ration pack made her nauseous, she needed real food.

With a makeshift pan and a stick for stirring, she sat crossed legged as the small flames engulfed her in warmth. She watched the light dance before her, the thought of home keeping her grounded and sane.

The tranquility was heavenly as she began to slowly chop the raw ingredients she bought. Seeds, fruits, and other goods Tatooine had to offer, she hoped to throw all together to make some kind of soup.

The Mandalorian had settled into his room before noticing the flicker of orange light from a far window reflection. Slipping his helmet back on, he stepped out into the dark air towards the little fire, his heavy step catching Mia's attention immediately.

"I thought you were sleeping." He said down to her.

"I'm hungry." Her eyes trained on the flames. 

He scoffed and said so that only he could hear, "What's new?"

She spared a brief glance at the bounty hunter as he took a seat on the dusty ground opposite her, the small fire separating them.

"What are you doing?" She said slowly.

"Sitting." He leaned his back against a sand boulder, the orange light illuminating his helmet visor.

The pair tollerated each other upon mission based tasks. But whenever the small chance arose to spend some time in solitude, they usefully obliged and sat alone. This was perhaps the first time he was choosing to join her when it was beyond unnecessary to do so.

Attempting to ignore his presence, Mia grabbed her small wielding dagger and began finely chipping the large seeds to fill the silence in the air. She wasn't sure whether Mando was watching her or the flames of the fire - either way the situation was making her incredibly uncomfortable.

"Seriously why are you here?" She blurted.

"I can't sleep until I lock the ship from the inside." He said.

Throwing the seeds into the heated pan, she said "I can lock it."

He said nothing.

"Still don't trust me, huh?" She looked up at him, her brown eyes glowing golden from the embers of the fire.

"That, and I don't want to live with the guilt of you being taken by Tuscan Raiders." He looked out into the darkness.

"I'm a big girl, Mando," She stirred the sizzling ingredients, "I don't need a babysitter."

He breathed a heavy sigh, "Just hurry up."

There he was, intruding on her very own moment of solitude and being an ass about it. Mia had to bite down on the inside of her mouth to prevent some hurtful words coming out. Tonight was not the night for an argument.

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