f o u r

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AFTER ALMOST A MILES WALK THROUGH rough plains, the duo finally entered one of the bustling cities of Bespin. It was more difficult than they had anticipated.

Everybody seemed so...normal. Going about their day, attending events. There was barely any way to differentiate those who might be Imperial followers. They didn't necessarily walk around in Storm Trooper suits anymore.

They stooped by a fountain in the centre of the city square, eyes sifting through the masses of people around them. Mia was starting to think she'd made a mistake by leading them here.

The Mandalorian stood by her side, leaning against the fountain base, head rotating slowly around the perimeter. It was moments like these when she envied his mask. If only she could conceal the look of growing concern on her features.

"They seem fishy to you?" His said finally, looking in the direction of a cream pillared building.

Three men stood, fashioned in black outfits and sporting a unique symbol on their right shoulders. They were discussing something when two of them disappeared into the building behind, the other separating into the traffic of people.

Mia kicked her leaning form off the fountain, "Let's find out."

She quickly moved through the crowds, light as a feather on her toes before halting in front of the man.

"Hey," she said.

She mentally facepalmed. Perhaps she should have planned this before approach.

Confusion spread across his harsh face. He didn't look like he got greetings from strangers very often. He looked like the kind of guy you'd walk in the opposite direction to.

Quickly composing herself, and not knowing where the Mandalorian was, she did the best with her horrible situation.

"Long live the empire." Mia said quietly enough for the man to hear.

A sigh of relief escaped her lips as he repeated the same words, "Long live the empire." with an ugly smirk.

A part of her wanted to burst out into laughter; it actually worked.

'Now what?' she thought. Scanning the city square, Mia thought that her next move should be somewhere a little more private, less public eyes.

"Follow me," she commanded, and convincingly at that because when she turned he was following her.

She led them around the back of what looked to be some sort of furnace hut. Here, the bustle of the city numbed to almost silence.

"Where are you taking m—"

His voice cut off as the Mandalorian's heavy fist slammed into his face with such force that he hit the wall behind him and slid to the ground in an unconscious form.

"Quick," He threw the unconscious man over his shoulder, "In here."

They opened the hut door, entering what seemed to be a small dome for weapon-wielding. The morning sun-rays peeked through, creating a sanctuary sort of setting.

Mando set him down on the floor in a slumped position. He sturdily tied his hands and feet together with some spare rope found on the side.

"Are you sure you didn't kill him?" Mia looked down at the man with folded arms.

"He'll be awake," the Mandalorian leaned against the wall, "Give him a few minutes."

Mia took the opportunity to sit on the dusty floor, spreading her legs out before her.

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