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Mia asked, her fingers moving quickly at the control switches as the Razor Crest engine fell into silence upon their landing on Cantonica.

"We need intel." He replied.

She leaned over to hurriedly water her plant before they exited the ship.

"Right," she fell into step beside him, "and once we identify this imperial leader, how do we plan on getting information out of him?"

Mia asked mostly because she was curious about whether they would turn to their menthols of torture once more. However, still shaken from the events on Sorgan, she didn't feel like breaching human cruelty just yet.

"We'll figure that out later." He walked ahead.

Cantonica was like nothing Mia has ever experienced before. The beautiful city at the centre of the dessert planet, glowing colours of white and gold that embodied enormous wealth.

"I hate to say it but rich people have stunning architectural design." She said.

Mia gazed up at the myriad of buildings in amazement, her long hair flowing in the misty air from the artificial ocean.

"I mean I hate it, but," she continued, "It's so pretty and —"

"Meet me by the market in an hour." The Mandalorian said, walking in the other direction before she could continue her sentence.

"Wha...You..." Mia stood with her fists clenched.

He infuriated her. How could he just interupt her, leave her standing alone on a planet she'd never visited and expect her to comply politely.

Mia was beginning to think that they were at the point where they could have conversations, enjoy one another's company maybe, but that was clearly far from the truth.

This was a bounty hunters quest, and they were partners. That's all it was ever going to be. She knew he had manners, she'd seen them, but apparently they weren't of service to her.

But for now, she had to get her priorities straight. Headed in the direction of the industrial square, she hoped to find some employees who could give her information on any suspicious Empire-loyalists around.

Abruptly stopping in her tracks, she cast an irritated glance at the tall droid who stood blocking her path.

"Excuse me." It's robotic voice said.

"No, excuse me." She said trying to step around the droid, but failing as he blocked her once more.

"Littering is prohibited on Cantonica. It is considered a public offence, punishable by article seventy-six. " It said.

She squinted her eyes in confusion, "That's nice."

Realisation spread across her features as she looked to the small blue star-shaped metal weapon in the droids hand.

"Hey, that's mine." She snatched it from him.

"You dropped it." It said as she shoved it back into her hip pouch. "As maintenance officer I am obliged to remind you that littering on Canto — "

Mia held up her hand, "Yeah, yeah it's prohibited, I got it." But the droid continued to step in her way.

She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I dropped by accident, I wasn't littering." 

"Yes. I'm sure that's what happened."

If there's anything she hated more than droids, it was sassy droids.

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