e l e v e n

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BLASTS WERE SHOT FROM EVERY DIRECTION, the clink of metal radiating through the spotless hallway.

The Mandalorian was purely in his element, a blaster in each hand, hitting his targets almost perfectly each time. His cape following his dance like movements as the returned blasts simply bounced off his Beskar.

The piercing sounds, an cloud of intergalactic blasts drove his memory to the little boy he remembered himself to be. It was similar to the sound he heard when his parents faces stamped into his vision for the last time. That breathlessness, hopelessness and longing were now being replaced with utter focus and precision as he brutally terminated the droids before him. Never again would he allow himself to feel that defenceless. The Mandalore's had taught him otherwise.

Mia was strangely enjoying the sensation of a blaster in her palm. Of course she still threw the occasional dagger from her left hand, slicing through the circuit filled heads of the droids. But the clean shots of the blaster were definitely satisfying.

A grunt escaped her lips as a droid's blast scraped against her knee, she could have sworn she heard her flesh sizzle.

Mia held her blaster to defend herself further, but there was no one left to shoot. She surveyed the now cluttered hallway, scattered with broken droid parts and the burning smell of rubber.

"Let's grab her and get out of here." Mia limped slightly to the cell doors that lined the edges of the hall.

The pair split up to identify the correct cell number. Bloody knee, ripped dress and heavy jewels weighing down her neck - Mia had never been so eager to leave planet behind.

"Got it." The Mandalorian called. Mia snatched the cell key from a droid's deceased body on the ground and threw it into his hand.

As the Mandalorian inserted the key, the pair shared an identical thought, one which they kept to themseleves.

This was easy. A little too easy, they thought. Both were highly trained individuals, Greef surely couldn't have though that this task was beyond their abilities. But with the large sum payment steering their thoughts, now was no time to ask for a challenge.

With a satisfying click, the lock opened and swung open heavily. Breaths held tight in their chests, the Mandalorian and Mia observed the figure sat in the dim cell.

Silence blanketed the scene as the pair exchanged a look of confusion.

There sat a creature of Suerton species, it's green skin and reptilian features not at all resembling the description they had of the queen.

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Mia pointed a dagger.

"I'm Bazine. Bazine Netal." He stood.

"You sure it was prisoner 342?" The Mandalorian asked.

"Positive." She grumbled.

"Are you setting me free?" Bazine perked up.

Mando turned to Mia, ignoring the Suerton. "He said that Satine Soruna was in 342?"

"Well," Mia thought, "No, but he said his most prized prisoner was held here. Who's higher than royalty?"

"So we have no information on where she is." He stated in annoyance.

"Oh okay," Mia raised her voice, "I see, you think this is entirely my fault?"

"It is."

Her mouth gaped open, "You're unbelievable, I couldn't directly ask him where he was holding her."

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