t w e n t y t h r e e

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Mia pouted at her makeshift practice broad.

It felt like hours, and each time she stabbed the centre dot with perfect precision whether it was her throwing knives, stars or needles.

There was no adrenaline, no hurry to eliminate the bad guys.

Just a stupid board.

But that's when she heard it.

A deep rumble that seemed to shake the planet. Mia rushed out of her hut to find the villagers doing the exact same.

And there it was. A ginormous ship entering the quiet atmosphere.

The Razor Crest.

She blinked away the dust formed from the wind.

Was this another dream? Had someone else acquired his ship?


He was here.


Mando stood waiting by his ship as he watched her.

Mia was frantically trying to persuade the villagers that the Mandalorian meant no harm.

"Mom, just give me a few minutes to see what he wants." She said.

"Hmm, so this is the guy?" she sneakily smiled.

Mia grunted.

"Please, take everyone inside and tell them to calm down before they piss their pants."

"Woah woah," said Candrio. "You really think you should approach him alone?"

Mia rolled her eyes.

"Let's just say me and him," she said, "We're - "

"Acquaintances?" said the young male.

"Yeah, sure, something like that."

"I don't know, I think I should come with you."

Mia restrained a laugh.

Sure, Candrio worked out and could lift for days, but against Mando he may as well have been a toothpick.

"I can handle myself." she said, "I won't be long."

As Mia approached the Mandalorian who stood waiting on the far side of their farming grounds, her mind swam with thoughts.

Why was he here?

What could he possible want?

Why was her heart racing faster than a speeder bike?

He unfolded his arms as she stopped a few feet before him.

That same, unknowing statue like look on his helmet.

"Thanks for scaring the crap out of my villagers." she said.

"It's nice to see you too." He said in the voice that still made shivers run down her spine.

She blinked.

It was nice to see him. But she didn't want to tell him that just yet.

"Why did you come here?"

She didn't have time for waiting. Two years of being bored out of her brains taught her that.

Mando took in the sight of her after so long. Her hair was longer, and her skin was just a tad more sun kissed.

"I could use your help." He said.

"What kind of help?"

"I've stumbled in...some deep shit." He said, "And I could really use some help."

Mia smiled.

Never did she expect those words to come out of his mouth.

She thought he was the last person in the galaxy to admit that he needed help.

He suddenly decided how horrible it would be to leave without her on his ship again.

And so he said everything he could to convince to do so.

"And not just anyone's," he said, "I need the help of someone I can trust."

Mia, however was still unsure as she folded her arms.

"What kind of shit?"

Before he could respond, Mia gasped.

Her hands clasped over her mouth as she saw the smallest little green creature waddle down the ships ramp.

"That might be the cutest thing I've ever seen."

His mouth itched to smile at how brightly her eyes lit up.

"This," he gestured, "kind of shit."

"What do you mean?" Mia crouched to the ground as the little creature waddled into her arms. "He's harmless."

Mando scoffed, "Harmless my ass."

As Mia looked down into the large eyes of the creature, she knew there was more to than he was letting on.

And whether or not he trusted her entirely, he needed her.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" She looked up at him.

He sighed, "It's a long story."

She smiled as the creature happily hummed in her arms.

"Is this supposed to be a bribe?" she asked.

"That depends," he said, "Is it working?"

She smiled, and so did he.

Mia placed the child down softly, standing and glancing back at her village.

The village she had worked so hard to restore.

As if he could read her thoughts, Mando spoke.

"I know it's sudden," he said, "But-but I don't think I can do this alone."

There was something about the vulnerability to his voice. It was so genuinely human that she almost couldn't believe it was coming from him.

Mia turned to the Mandalorian, her head slowly dipping into a nod.

"Then whatever it is, we'll do it together." she said, "I'm in."


you're all the sweetest! I love reading your comments, they make my day!

so here's another little chapter x

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