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"WELCOME TO HOTH." said the Mandalorian said as the ship entered the cool, white atmosphere of the snow planet.

Mia inched forward towards the window.

"Finding a needle in a haystack." She muttered quietly.

"There's not much to go off." He said, looking at the results of the radar map. "A few large settlements that could be imperial bases, or abandoned rebel stations. There's no way to be sure."

"Bazine said something about the old Imperial base on the north-western hemisphere." Mia added.

Tapping the location into the map before positioning his hands back onto the controls, the Mandalorian prepared for descent. "Worth a shot."

After spotting the clearly visible base secluded in the snow-covered mountain sides, they decided to land the Razor Crest a little away from the location to avoid suspicion. Hoth wasn't accustomed to many visitors.

They chose a gigantic scrap yard filled with waste metal and abandoned starships.

Mia could feel Mando's deathly stare as she commented the Razor Crest would blend in perfectly with the junk. Turns out he was very prideful of his ship. But even he couldn't deny it was the perfect hiding spot.

"Let's get this receiver attached." Mando switched the ship to a humming close as Mia was already zipping up her new fur coat that made her feel like a walking cloud.

As the hatch swung down, the pair made their way into the icy flurrying wind.

"Shit, it's cold." Mia wrapped her arms around herself.

"Did you expect sandy beaches?" The Mandalorian said as he examined their newly acquired weapon from Tatooine.

It was a sniper rifle of sorts, but rather than ejecting bullets, small devices could be attached and shot at long distances such as trackers, explosives and transmission receivers.

Today, it was a small microphone which would be shot to the hatch door of the suspected Imperial base. This way, they could listen in on conversations which would hopefully either confirm or deny the presence of the queen.

"I'm used to dessert climates." She grumbled.

Mia filled with envy as the Mandalorian stood in all his magnificence. Cape blowing in the wind, Beskar illuminated in the bright daylight of the planet and helmet as unemotional as ever. She stood puffed up looking like a shivering mess.

"There's no need for you to be out here, stay on the ship." He moved to a high pile in the junk yard, earning a clearer view. "I can handle this."

Mia stomped after him, "I'm the one with better aim and you know it." She snatched the sniper from him.

He didn't argue back meaning either it was too cold and useless to do so, or he knew she was right. She chose to believe the latter.

Kneeling down between the snow and scrap metal, Mia levelled the large weapon against the hill they sat atop. The large base stood out clear, tucked into the side of a mountain as she examined it through the zoomed eye lens.

"Just aim for the side door. It looks like that one's in constant use." Mando spoke from beside her.

"Shut up and let me focus." She snapped quietly, breath hitching as she positioned the sniper with careful movements. With a small exhale and a release of the trigger, the transmitter hit the side of the door perfectly, planting ears in enemy walls.

Beginning to feel the icy wrath of Hoth, the pair had no intention of staying outside any longer.

Making their way back into the Razor Crest, Mia set the sniper down inside, "She never misses." She complimented herself.

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