n i n e t e e n

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"OW OW OW!" Mia woke with a shooting pain through her neck as she cracked it, sitting up straight.

"Told you not to fall asleep here." Mando said from beside her, his voice groggy and deeper than usual.

The once orange rays that streamed through the window in front of them were now a striking yellow. It was morning.

Her hand massaged the back of her neck as the Mandalorian stood. He'd been awake for an hour or so, but he didn't want to wake the sleeping Mia on his shoulder. Her injuries needed all the rest they could get.

"You're telling me you haven't slept all night?" She asked.

"I did." He quietly groaned as he outstretched his back, "And I'm regretting it."

Both seemed to tuck away the embarrassment of waking up in such close proximity with one another. Mia especially found it difficult to look over the fact that she'd let herself fall asleep on him like that. It was so out of character.

Mia was also regretting sleeping on his hard, Beskar shoulder in particular. The knot in her neck told her so.

The pair went down to their own quarters. Getting ready for the last step of their adventure together.

Mia slowly showered and changed her clothes, sighing as her aching body eased under the hot water. BB-7P provided her with her daily pills and changed the bandage wound around her middle.

Alrhough the pain was very much still present, it was getting a lot more bearable.

Sipping on a hot cup of herbal tea, Mia looked over their plans once more. Take out two guards at the back entrance, take the queen, get the hell out.

Her part was simple. A little too simple for her liking, but seeing as she couldn't stand straight without hissing in pain, it was enough.

Mando sat on the edge of his bed, helmet staring back at him in his hands. His gloved fingers trailed the sharp edges of its cheeks. He stared back at the face that people saw. He saw an emotionless, brutal warrior. That's how they saw him.

Yet, he was so much more. So much more human than he'd given himself credit for. Perhaps spending this extent of time with someone like Mia has brought out that human more than he'd ever seen.

He was beginning to feel like Din Djarin. But as he once more slipped the helmet onto his head, he realised that the only person he needed to please, the only one he had to prove himself to be human, was himself.


The pair set off in the direction of the small Imperial base nestled between mounds of scrap metal and parts of buildings.

This planet was a mess.

Luckily the inhabitants were just as odd with colourful clothing and mismatch equipment.

Mando with his armour, Amban rifle and blasters.

Mia with her knives, sword and blades at her hip.

Thankfully, that kind of thing made them blend in here.

Caught in her thoughts, Mia took a small trip over a piece of metal in the ground, clutching her middle with a groan as she continued to walk slowly.

She wasn't waking as seamlessly as she used to. The light step of her assassin-like nature was still there, but each minor movement shot a strike of pain through her broken rib.

He noticed.

The Mandalorian watched with concern from the corner of his eye as she walked beside him, her jaw clenched as she bared with the pain.

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