t w e n t y f i v e

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" I THINK I'M IN LOVE." said Mia.

She watched the small green creature fumble a small metal ball in his minuscule hands.

The Mandalorian turned around in his pilot seat, practically snapping the ball from its hands.

"Hey!" He snapped, "What did I say?"

The child whimpered a small whine and Mia wished she didn't speak up.

"This is not a toy." He said before screwing it back on the lever.

After a few moments of piercing silence after Mando's little outburst, he fell into a heavy sigh.

"Here," he handed the child a small bottle cap.

Mia smiled.

"You've...changed." she said.


"You're a lot warmer. I don't know how to explain it."

"Then don't."

"Warmer," she said, ignoring him, "As in a lot more patient then I remember."

He scoffed.

"I can't quite put my finger on it...."

"Great," he said, "So let's just sit in silence until you do —"

"Who would have thought" she said, "that you'd be so good at taking care of something that needs constant love, feeding and attention."

He turned in his chair to face her with what was probably a glare under his helmet.

"I had practice." He said.

She grinned cheekily.

The stars passed by in beautiful speed as the three of them occupied their own little seats.

"You've changed too." He said after a while.

Mia could remember a time when she'd be the only one to start any conversation.

Looks like someone had gotten a little more talkative too.

"I have not changed." She said.

"Yes you have, you're way less violent."

"Excuse me, what?"

"I think little miss Mia got soft on the farm." He teased.

Wait, since when did he tease?

She didn't care - he was pissing her off.

"...Soft?" She said, twirling a throwing star between her fingers.

The child watched it in amazement.

"I mean after two years of not having missions, it's understandable."

Mia lunged the small star into the small space between Mando's fingers which sat on the control panel.

"MIA," he yelled, "MY SHIP!"

"Do you fucking expect me to just sit here while you insult me?"

"How many times have I said," he exclaimed, trying to wedge the star out of the dashboard, "Keep you stupid sharp equipment away from the interiors!" 

"You're such a drama queen!" She laughed sarcastically.

"You dented my ship!"

He yanked the star and tossed it to the back of the ship in frustration.

"Oh boo hoo! Poor Mando's baby got a little scratch."

"Oh that's mature," he said, "You know maybe if you — "

The child let out a loud whine, enough to capture both of their attentions.

"He doesn't like us arguing." snapped Mando.

She scoffed, "Well that's near to frigging impossible with you."

The child reached out its small arms, signalling for Mia to pick him up.

Her heart melted as she pulled him onto her lap.

"But I guess we can try." She said, smiling as it nuzzled happily into her side.

The Mandalorian was staring a little too long at the pair of them.

For some reason, the sight of them together made his heart flutter.

Something about it, about her, felt right.

The coordinates bleeped from his system.

He quickly hopped back into his seat, preparing to land the Razor Crest.

"Tatooine?" Asked Mia.

"I need to service the ship before we can go anywhere else."

"I hope you know a guy who can fix the dripping sink near my room because that's gonna be a pain in the butt at night."

"Female," he said.

"Huh?" Mia asked bucking herself and the child into their seats.

"The one servicing my ship," he said, "she isn't a guy."

That brought a smile to Mia's face.

"Well, I admire her already."

"Wait until you meet Cara Dune." He said. "I have a feeling we'll be needing her help soon as well."


"Her skills are outstanding, not to mention she's probably the strongest person I've come across." he said.

"Okay, she sounds amazing." Mia beamed.

"— and you should see what she can do with a gun."

Mia realised he was talking an awful lot about her.

He never talked this much, period.

As he brought the Razor Crest to a smooth landing, Mia watched him curiously.

Her heart tingled, and not in the good way.

It suddenly felt heavy.

But before her brain could mentally slap her, her next words just slipped out.

"Is she attractive?"

He stilled, before he unbuckled his seatbelt and stood to face her.

"You're not...jealous are you?" He asked in his gravelly voice.

"What?" She flushed, avoiding the gaze of his tall looming figure before her.

"Are you jealous?" He smiled.

"No way!" She quickly defended.

"Good," he softly pinched her cheek with his gloved hand, "Because you don't need to be."

In his mind, she never, ever needed to feel jealously.

There was space for only one incredible woman in Mando's heart.

And Mia always managed to fill it.


one last chapter after this guys :'(

it's been real

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