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CHEEK RESTING IN THE PALM OF HER HAND and a yawn escaping her lips, Mia was growing increasingly tired of watching the same Imperial post in the side of the mountain.

Mando emerged from the lower level of the ship after a couple hours of rest. The pair having repeated the same shift a couple times over.

"Oh good, you're up." Mia swivelled her seat to face her faceless companion. "I did some snooping around your ship."

He stilled. Though he had nothing to hide, he didn't like people sifting through his private property.

Mando noticed the darkening under her eyes. Neither of them had been getting adequate enough sleep and it was starting to show. Constantly watching out for signs of suspicious movement at the Imperial base was beginning to feel like a hopeless endeavour.

"I found this." She stood, holding a small device in the palm of her hand. "It's a game, right?" She stepped forward eagerly, "Can we play?"

"We've got a job to do." He grumbled and checked up on the viewing situation at the front of the ship.

She closed her eyes in frustration, "It's noon. They're going to have two more patrols before nightfall, nothing ever changes."

He ignored her as she burned a gaze in the back of his helmet.

"What game is it anyway?" She examined the small cube in her palm.


"I've heard of it," she bit back a devious smile, "Amateur scavengers used to play it. Can't require much skill."

"It's all about skill." He replied.

She quirked a brow, shooting her last shot, "So you're not afraid you'll loose to someone who's never played before?"

He turned to face her. She sternly stared back at him. He knew what she was doing but it was working.

"One game." He said.

Just as Mia thought, an ego the size of the Death Star.


The pair sat in their seats, a large holographic cube separating them, emitted from the small device Mia had found. The object of the game was to aim daggers in the centre of the cube strategically, something she obviously enjoyed.

The yellow glow of the hologram illuminated her focused features as the Mandalorian remained as cool and collective as ever.

Positioned in their control seats at the front of the ship, they made sure they had a clear view of the base ahead of them as they played.

"You're cheating." He said.

"I don't even know how to cheat." She said, taking her turn which was another perfect hit.

The Mandalorian was once more thankful for his helmet concealing his embarrassed look.

Eyes steady and biting the inside of herself  mouth, Mia took one more shot, her holographic dagger hitting the cube with perfect precision, the light switching from yellow to a deep purple.

He leaned back and she clapped. "That means I won, right?" She laughed.

"Beginners luck."

"Sore looser." She muttered under her breath.



They turned to glance at the snow covered base that Mia was certain she could memorise every little detail of. The troops were on their first patrol of the evening. Two storm troopers stood watch at the front for a few minutes before stepping back into the base.

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