t w e n t y f o u r

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MIA CLUTCHED HER LIGHT BAG of belongings on her shoulder after squeezing her mother into the tightest of hugs.

"Are you sure this is okay?" she asked.

"Mia, look around," said her mother, "We've rebuilt all this of this thanks to you, I think you've earned your leave of absence." She chuckled.

She was right.

The people were happy, the harvests were thriving. They didn't need her help anymore.

But the comfort of Lothal was something she would definitely miss.

"This isn't your destiny," said he mother, "You've got so much more potential."

Mia nodded, "It'll always be my home."

Pulling her into a tight hug, Mia's mother kissed the top of her head before whispering, "And we'll always be here in case you... ever need a hug, or a snack."

Mia laughed in her mother's arms.

The Mandalorian checked the side valves of the ship before noticing Mia.

"Got everything?" he asked.

"Mhm," she nodded nervously.

Mia strapped her bag on her shoulder, but was holding a much heavier one in her right hand.

As she followed Mando up the ramp of the ship, the bag made a small beeping sound.

He stopped in his tracks, causing Mia's head to hit his hard shoulder blade.

"Ow," she groaned, "What the hell?"

He turned to face her with the deadliest of glares.

"No way." He said.


"No way you're bringing that thing back onto my ship." he said.

Mia sighed, she'd almost gotten away with it.

Placing the heavy sack on the floor, the small droid BB-7P rolled out to gleefully meet the Mandalorian at his feet.

"Where I go, it goes." She stated.

"I put up with it the last time and, "

" — And it saved my life." She snapped. "Let it aboard, or the deal's off."

They stared back at one another until Mando finally withdrew.

"Keep it out of my way." He said, as Mia's mouth pulled into a grin.

She liked it when she got her way.

As Mando closed the hatch and placed the child in his separate room, Mia found herself smiling.

Who knew after two whole years, she would end up missing his grumpy ass this much.

And it hit different - now that she knew what his face at least felt like.

And his lips.

Shut up Mia.

Before giving it any more thought, Mia practically jumped onto him, wrapping her arms around his torso in a hug.

"What—" he startled.

"I missed you." she said quietly, her cheek pressed against his cold chest.

She knew he would never say it back.

But she also didn't expect his hands to loosely wrap around her waist.

Her stomach fluttered as she knew that by him hugging her back was the equivalent of him saying 'I missed you too.'

But it barely lasted as long as she'd hoped as he was already shoving her off to get to his pilot seat.

"So where are we headed first," Mia asked, "I hope it's somewhere a little cooler than Lothal, I'm so sick of sweating my ass off — "

"Who was that guy?" He cut her off.

"What guy?"

"The one you said bye to," he cleared his throat, trying to remain emotionless.

The Mandalorian kept replaying the scene in his head.

A man engulfing Mia into a hug as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

Had she found someone?

Was she...taken?

"You mean Candrio?" she laughed.

He silenced, messing with the controls to get the ship airborne.

"Wait," Mia tilted her head, a sneaky smile playing on her lips, "You're not...jealous are you?"

"I don't get jealous." He said gruffly.

She grinned, and he flushed a deep shade of red under his helmet.

"He's a friend." she said.

He sighed a breath of relief to himself without realising.

"I don't care." He said.

"You brought it up." She laughed.

"Strap in," he said, "We're taking off."

"Ass-face." She mumbled.



Mia smiled sarcastically as she sat in her seat.

Mando felt a tug at his heart.

The seat which had been scarily empty for two years was occupied once more.

Mia sat back, beginning to wonder why she'd agreed to this in the first place.

But then her question was answered.

Her eyes landed on the small plant, which was no longer so small.

He had a heart, whether he was willing to admit it or not.

"Okay so maybe Candrio wanted to be a little more than just friends." She said, trying to get a reaction.

Mando gripped the controls tighter.

"I never kissed him though." She said.

She was obviously trying to push some buttons of his.

And she was enjoying it.

He didn't respond,

"But I kissed you." She said, nibbling on her finger nail with a cheeky smile.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably, "I know."

"So you remember it?"

"...It's hard to forget."

She raised a brow, "Should I take that as a compliment?"

He looked straight ahead as they jumped into light speed.

"Was it not...enjoyable for you?" she said.

He scoffed.

"Okay I'm officially offended." Mia gasped.

"You're seriously asking if it was enjoyable?" He asked.


The Mandalorian was at a loss of words. Did she think that her kiss was anything less than perfection?

If so she was insane.

"I don't think you voluntarily kiss someone if you don't enjoy it, Mia." he said.

She stilled.

Until a smile grew on her face once more.

"Glad to hear it." she said.


I hope you enjoyed this little chapter I threw together!

Comment to let me know what you thought

It gives me so much motivation 💜

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