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IT HAD BEEN A WHILE SINCE A SMILE had remained on Mia's features for this long. Satisfied after a warm get meal cooked by the villagers, they sat around a crackling fire beneath the stars.

She laughed as the village children caught fireflies sifting through the warm, night air.

The Mandalorian was graciously offered a hut to eat his food in solitude and comfort, but Mia couldn't help but feel a little lost without him by her side.

"I'll go check if he's done." Said the farmer boy, whose name she learned to be Talon.

"No, I'll go if it's okay." Mia stood from her seat on a tree log.

"Sure." Talon smiled.

Approaching the hut, she pressed a small knock on the door. "It's me."

"Come in."

Some small, impossible idea within her pictured him with his helmet off when she opened the door, but she stood staring at the same helmet head she'd grown so used to.

"Food was nice, huh?" She glanced at his empty plate.

"Something doesn't feel right." he paced, "They're being overly nice."

Mia rolled her eyes, "The galaxy is full of nice people. Just because you don't come across them often, doesn't mean you should be suspicious of them."

"I don't trust people, no matter who they are."

"Not even me?" she replied.

"Especially you."

She wasn't sure whether he was joking or not, but a small twang of hurt shot inside her. Mia was beginning to grow comfortable around the Mandalorian, but clearly he didn't feel the same way.

But as always, she intended to brush away her petty feelings with pointless humour.

"Is it because I kicked your ass?" She smirked.

"No, it's because you casually talk about pink Gloover flowers and Dinkle-Berry cakes while you sharpen your knives and soak your stars in poison." he folded his arms. "Your thought process scares me."

"And you think I trust some faceless, nameless man?" She gestured to him.

"I know you do."

Her eyes narrowed. There he was again, acting like he had the upper hand like he knew everything there was to know about her and she knew nothing of him. Which was almost true in its entirety.

"I came to ask if you wanted to sit with us by the fire," She scowled, "To heat up that cold, inhospitable tin-can of yours."

"Only if it warms your glacial heart."

He was amused and she was a second away from beating the shit out of him. But to avoid that, she quickly spun on her heel out of the hut, feeling his presence follow her.

They sat and watched the children capture the glowing creatures in glass jars and look at them in fascination.

The Mandalorian sneaked a glance at Mia, her honey-brown eyes lit with adoration. He could immediately picture her with children of her own, yet he knew it was not a likely path for a bounty hunter.

Perhaps she was like him, trapped in a life of solitude and mercilessness. Even though it was a life they hand-picked to live, it was one with harsh consequences.

The farmer, Talon, interrupted his thoughts.

"So you two are bounty hunters?" He roasted some nuts over the fire.

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