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Her eyes trailed out the Razor Crest windows where they were surrounded by sky-high buildings and scattered piles of homes and junk. It looked like everything was built on each other to create one large mound of mess.

She couldn't make out any roads, or pathways and yet people were still commuting about.

The droid bleeped in response, claiming that it was originally manufactured in Bespin, but brought here by a tradesman. Ever since then, he roamed the planet as a rouge droid.

Mia sat cross legged on the ship floor surrounded by bit's and pieces of her weapons as the BB droid handed her the occasional tool she required.

"A rogue nurse droid, huh?" She said huffed a strand of hair from her face, "You must get taken advantage of a lot."

It spoke as it an outstretched a screw driver to Mia.

"Well you're welcome to stay with us while we're here." She smiled at the droid, "I could really use a change in company."

A large creak indicated the ship hatch door opening, causing a sigh to fall from the girl's lips. Speak of the devil, she thought.

"I've got valuable intel so you need to pay attention." He said, the hatch closing behind him.

Mia shook her head, "You did it all wrong. I was expecting a 'Honey, I'm home!' kind of entrance."

He threw a small paper bag into her lap to which she slightly winced. "Broken rib remember?"

Peeking into the bag she found some sort of bread filled with...something.

"You got me street food?" She scrunched her nose up.

He shot her a questioning look, "You don't want it."

"No," she licked her lips, "I want it."

He'd been out since morning, hoping to locate the Imperial ship from their tracker. With Mia's injury and other unfortunate factors that were bound to come in their favour, he wanted to be as prepared as he could be. No more surprises and near misses.

The Mandalorian watched as the small girl hungrily munched on the food. An appetite the size of a moon, he thought.

He eyed the droid and then back to Mia, "Has he been giving your meds?"

She nodded and said between bites, "Also, his name is BB-7P."

"Whatever." said Mando. "Now listen closely."

She glared up at him beneath her lashes.

"There's about ten Imps on that ship. Turns out they landed here for cover." He paced slowly as he spoke, "Nar Shaddarr is the best hiding spot in the galaxy, but thanks to you we know exactly what pile of trash they chose to hide behind."

She motioned brushing dust off her shoulder in a self-flattering kind of way - which he ignored of course.

"They knew they were being watched on Hoth," he continued, "So this was their escape route. Best part is, they plan on staying here for roughly eight days. Until the Naboo conference where they plan on negotiating a settlement agreement with the King."

"How do you know all of this?" She quirked a brow.

"Those imbeciles left their schedule on a crate outside the ship." He said, "And I overheard two obnoxiously loud ones talking about the rest."

She didn't want to say it, but she was impressed.

"That's not all." He said, "There's an small Imperial siege happening a few miles from here, over obtaining some ammunition from the locals." He stopped to look out the window, "Four of them will be joining the forces in two days."

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