t w e n t y o n e

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"SO," SAID MANDO WHO LAZILY LEANED AGAINST HIS WALL, "What did you find out about me?"

Mia grunted.

She'd expected to find some clues in his quarters. Maybe a poster of a ship he liked, or a secret diary.

Anything that showed emotion or feeling.

But she found nothing.

"I found out that you like tools and dust and the colour grey." she said.

He gave a small, barely audible laugh.

She turned to him with her hands on her hips, her eyebrows furrowed and lips turned into a small pout.

"What?" He said in his low voice.

"It's just so frustrating."

"What is?"

"We've spent all this time together and yet...I feel like I there's something missing."

He approached the middle of the room, his placid helmet giving her the only expression she'd ever known.

"I think you're overthinking things." he said.

"I'm not."

Mia found herself walking towards him, and Mando found himself standing incredibly still as she did so.

"So you'll never show your face to anyone?" She asked.

He didn't respond. Though she could almost hear him saying 'This is the way' for the millionth time.

"Never's a long time you know." she titled her head.

"I'm aware." He said bluntly.

But Mando wasn't expecting the look of excitement that spread across her face.

He saw her eyes briefly light up with an idea before she ran out of the room with a gasp.

"What the..."

"I have an idea!" Her voice echoed through the ship, "Stay right there."

Mia rustled around to find something.

Mando waited patiently in the spot she'd left him in.

"Okay," her voice said from outside the room, "You might think this is crazy but just hear me out."

Before he could say a word, Mia tentatively entered the room with a dusty black sheet wrapped around her eyes.

Her hands outstretched to feel for her surroundings as she neared where the Mandalorian stood.

Her fingers grasped the edge of the steel door frame as she tapped her feet carefully before her, cautious not to trip and absolutely certain that she looked so strange in doing so.

"I-is there a reason you're blindfolded?" He asked.

"Ah ha." She said in realisation, moving closer to where she'd heard his voice.

He couldn't watch one more second of her pathetic wandering.

A gasp escaped her she felt his stern hands beneath her elbows, bringing her directly before him.

"Is this some sort of weird game that I'm supposed to know how to play?" He asked, withdrawing his hands from her.

"No." She scoffed, "This is just another genius Mia idea."

"Another," he asked, "When's the last time you had a geni—"

She cut him off with a strike of her hand, "I liked it better when you hardly spoke."

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