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MIA AZADI FELT PERFECTLY INVISIBLE as usual upon entering the Bounty Hunter's Guild bar. Not a single glance was shot her way. Not because she wasn't interesting. On the contrary, she was remarkably interesting.

Though, as a rookie assassin bounty hunter with a light step and fleeting movements, she was easy to miss.

Peeling her goggles and mouth mask from her face, Mia slid into the booth opposite Greef Karga.

"Well?" He leaned back.

"He's strapped to the back of my speeder-bike." She said.

"Is he alive?" Greed raised a brow.

"Yes," She replied tentatively, "but-"


"He might have fallen off about a mile into our journey back." Mia grimaced, "It was horrible, the whole side of his face kind of scraped away."

Greef sighed moth setting into a hard line.

"It's okay." She shrugged, "He's Christori, his skin will grow back in like two days."

Greef signalled to two hunters at the bar, ushering them to collect the off-load from Mia's speeder-bike.

"Maybe if you used this to buy a ship you wouldn't have these problems." He slid a handful of Imperial Credits towards her.

"I have more important things to take care of first."

"So money's the issue?" He said.

She scoffed, "When is it not?"

"Would two thousand Nova Crystals make a difference."

Mia stilled before managing to get her words out.

"Yeah." She nodded, as if already accepting the mission. "It would."

Two thousand crystals plus her savings from eight years of bounty hunting - she could sort out her immediate debts and still have some to spare.

This was the moment she had been waiting for. Her efforts were being repaid.

"It's not an easy one." His eyes held caution, "But you're one of the very few people in here I can trust to pull this off."

She was intrigued. Usually Greef was stingy with his payment. Offering this much had to mean he was desperate

She folded her arms, growing impatient. "Well...Spit it out, Greef."

"Satine Soruna has been kidnapped."

"The queen of Naboo?"

He nodded, "Imperial loyalists are holding her hostage until the king hands over governmental control of Naboo."

"The empire's gone," Mia stated.

"Yes, but those who were loyal remain in the outer rim," he explained, "They plan on making Naboo their new base of a new Imperial regime."

"As bad as it sounds, and it does sound bad," She tilted her head, "It doesn't sound that bad."

Greef shook his head with a dumbfounded expression, "...What?"

"I've rescued kidnapped people before, just give me the location and I'll be on my way." She held out her hand.

"That's the problem." He said, "There's absolutely no leads as to where they're keeping her."

"Nothing?" Her lips parted.

"All we know is that she's being held withing the outer rim territories."

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