Newtralizer! (Donnie POV)

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Again, I heard a swish of movement, but this time behind me. All of us turned around, but it was empty. Then I heard a cry of a weird sound.

“I’m not so sure about that…” Kirby continued with a worried voice.

“There was one mutant that came in the same time as me…” Julie said strained, like she was trying to remember.

“What?” I asked, turning to her as a shadow of a movement rushed behind her. I blinked then got in front of the both of them, grabbing my staff once again. “Okay, don’t worry. Whatever it is, I’m sure I can ha--”

“Look out!” Julie screeched, pushing us back as a giant black blur crashed down where we were just standing.

We all looked at the large and black mutant with Kraang tech on it’s shoulders and body. My eyes widened as it stood up and made this sound between a hiss, roar, and snarl. I was shocked as we all backed up in fear.

“Actually, you two, you may want to worry just a little bit…” I started out, a little nervous.

Then the Newt-like mutant pointed a fist at us and started shooting these yellow balls that reminded me of Kraang blaster bullets. We all dodged them, miraculously, while jumping behind a post lining the walls to keep rocks from tumbling in the tunnels.

“What is that thing?” Julie cried, covering her head instinctively.

“You must’ve accidentally released one of the Kraang’s alien experiments!” Mr. O’Neil said, keeping closer to the wall while I peeked out to see if he left because the shooting had ceased.

When I peeked, a few more bullets smashed the beam, making me ground my teeth. I ushered Kirby and Julie down the hall more quickly. “It looks like from the family Salamandridae if I’m not mistaken.”

“With that precocious? It’s clearly a pleurodelinae,” Kirby argued. “A Newt.”

“Newtralizer is more like it!” Julie wailed as a disc shot past our heads.

We stopped and watched as a red light flash like a bomb would as it was slammed into the wall. Scared, Julie ran into a different tunnel while I turned to see the mutant click a button. I snatched April’s dad and pushed him and myself away into the next tunnel as the bomb boomed and left a dark cloud of ash behind.

As Kirby and I stood up, Julie looked at us worried. I looked at her, “You named the mutant Newtralizer?”

“Seemed fitting…” she muttered, looking away. I noticed her fluff quivering in fright.

“Then don’t tell Mikey… He’s sensitive about giving names to new mutants…” I sighed softly as we continued down the tunnel to try and find the way out. After a while of walking, an alarm sounded. I looked around, shocked, unsure if we did it or that Newtralizer did. Julie stiffened and I looked around. “We gotta move!”

We started running down the hallways, shocked and uncertain. We had to backtrack once because it was a dead end. It was worse because when we did backtrack, Kraang bots were waiting. We all skid to a stop and paused at the bots.

I looked at Julie and Kirby and ordered, “Other way!” But when we all turned, the Newtralizer was walking up with his face set in a snarl. I paused, gulping then said quietly to myself, “Okay… Maybe the solo mission wasn’t such a good idea…”

Then the Newtralizer and the Kraang pointed their guns at us and I grabbed both Mr. O’Neil’s and Julie’s wrists and drug them in a cell door, closing it after they both entered.

Breathing out in relief, Julie looked at me concerned then April’s dad spoke up, “You do realize this is a detention facility.” I paused, blinking, gritting my teeth. “You just locked us in a cell.”

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