Can't Die Yet

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Within seconds of seeing the Techno-Drome sinking into the angry depths of the ocean the rest of us started wailing and screaming in pain. I could only join them, wondering where my adopted family had went.

Donnie's head slumped down, making his shoulders more prominent. Raph had quieted down to whining mutters. April, Melanie, Mikey and I were the last few to watch the waves, wondering when we'll be able to get to shore. I knew none of us would have the energy to swim back with the knowledge that two of us were left in that terror dome.

"Hey!" Mikey suddenly jumped up. I looked up and saw something brown-green in the sun setting light. At first I couldn't tell what it was. But I couldn't ask Mikey before he jumped off the side of the pod and into the ocean.

"Mikey!" I wailed, gripping the edges as I saw his head pop up at the surface. I breathed out in relief but was short lived as he began to swim toward the object. "Mikey, wait!" I shouted. Raising a leg, I set a foot on the edge of the pod. Pushing on the pod and toward the water I made sure to take a deep breath before I hit the waves.

Being in the water was a bit different; made me feel a bit lighter and a bit sea-sick. But I quickly swam over to where Mikey was, ignoring my sickness for the moment, and saw Mikey was trying to take a sea weed-looking thing from... Leo! I almost stopped swimming from the sight of him, but I quickly came over to help to see if he needed any help. As I come up to help, I noticed the sea-weed object was Julie. She seemed to be bleeding from the red leaking around us in the ocean. Mikey was struggling with her so I came up to help them.

Back at the pod, Melanie and Donnie was at the edge of the pod, ready to haul the soaking wet Julie onto the pod. I kicked out with my feet hard to push Julie up. Mikey and Leo got the memo but got it a few seconds late. We all grunted with the weight of Julie on our arms and backs.

"All right..." Leo muttered. "All together... One... Two... Three!" he shouted, pushing Julie up toward the pod. Mikey and I followed suit while Melanie and Donnie, now joined by Raph, joined in. Within a few seconds Julie's limp form was in the pod with the three turtles at the foot of the pod swimming. Leo came up toward the bottom of the pod and began to push it toward the shore of the city. I looked at Mikey while he looked at me. I knew Donnie was checking over Julie, but she needed immediate help with stuff at the lair. So him and I joined Leo with pushing the pod back to shore.

About a half hour of swimming, Leo, Mikey and I were getting exhausted. I was panting and that's when I heard Melanie, rather close, say, "I'll switch out with one of you."

"I'm fine," Leo grumbled, shoulders straining.

Mikey's blue eyes looked up at the rather young turtle with a smile, "I'll switch ya."

Melanie nodded and hopped out of the pod the same way I had. It sent the pod a few inches away from all of us, but we all soon caught up. Once Mikey reached the pod, he hopped in and breathed out. "Raph, Mikito may need to switch out..."

"Does she?" he asked, his voice sounding rather surprised. Within seconds of hearing his voice, I saw his red and torn-up bandana tails in my sight from pushing the pod still. I blinked in shock and looked up at him. He smirked, his arm on the edge of the pod with his weight on it, "Need help, Mikito?"

"I-I'll be fine for now..." I huffed, kicking with my legs.

An uncertain hum came from Raph. I didn't look at him again, but I could feel the pod move a bit. A few seconds after the pod yanked away from my grip again and a splash was heard. The three of us pushing the pod turned our attention to the dark green head popping up above the waves. Raph was turned away from us at first but his attention turned to us as soon as he recovered from his rise. "All right," he growled at me. "Get up there."

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