Another Kraang Base

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My dreams were comforting and nice, but then the next day came and I slowly woke up, but kept my eyes closed. Though soon, I felt I was being watched, so I opened my eyes.

Bright, green, Raphael eyes stared right at me and I screamed, pushing up with my hands and knees and rolled off the bed. Panting, I sat up and looked at Melanie, laughing, falling back on her shell, holding her stomach. Naomi, in her closet, was chuckling, a smirk written on her face as she put things away.

“You find that funny?!” I practically screamed.

Melanie stopped laughing for a second and nodded, wiping her tears away, “I do, actually. Who did you think I was?”

“Your father!” I answered. It sounded weird actually saying something like that and it even made me blush for some odd reason.

Laughing again, Melanie shook her head and looked over at Naomi. I followed her gaze and got up, going over to Naomi, watching her put things away. “What’cha dooooing?”

“Putting memories away,” she answered simply, putting away a FootClan symbol that I never noticed that she wore, and a journal that looked finished. I reached for the journal curiously.

Naomi’s hand slapped my own away and her blue eyes glared at me softly, “No.”

“Sorry…” I muttered, rubbing my wrist. Again, I looked at the FootClan symbol. “Did you ever wear that…?”

“This?” Naomi asked, grabbing the glove that was made for specifically three fingers. It was black, but on the top, there was a FootClan symbol that made me shudder. “A few times… But never around you all.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because then you may think me as completely changed when I never was,” she answered, putting it back right beside the journal. “Now come on. Everyone’s waiting.”

I nodded and looked over. Melanie was already out of the room so Naomi and I followed her. Everyone was gathered in Donnie’s lab, so Naomi led the way in.

Of course, Donnie was in the center of everybody, Leo right beside him, Naomi coming to the left of him, Mikey and Raph were both in front of Donnie, Natasha and Kyoto were behind them, Melanie and Sophie were on either side, Melanie being closer to Naomi and Sophie closer to Leo, and me, coming in, went to stand by Mikey.

“Alright,” Donnie said as we all filed in. “I found another Kraang base near 56th and 40th street.”

“How do you know it’s a base?” Sophie asked. “It could just be a normal building.”

“I’ve had help figuring it out,” Donnie answered, sneaking a glance at Naomi who crossed her arms and tapped her foot impatiently. Everyone saw his glance and said nothing else. We knew Shredder made an alliance with the Kraang, and therefore would probably tell his soldiers to help the Kraang, so odds are, Naomi would know too.

“Well,” Leo nodded, gathering the map. “That’s settled, so lets go.”

As we went to the Shell Raiser, Kyoto, Natasha, surprisingly Melanie stayed back. Naomi looked at Melanie, but nodded, entering the Raiser. We took up our original spots and Leo drove off, opening the tunnel hatch and letting us take to the city.

Halfway there, Mikey started getting bored and twirled in his seat. I watched in amusement, making him hit my hand on his kneepad every time he turned. He laughed and I giggled, having a small stone thrown at my head in the process.

“Ow!” I whined, even though it didn’t hurt. I turned around and Naomi was tossing another stone up and down in her hand, glaring at me. Where she got it, I will never ask, but I didn’t giggle again for a while.

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