Raph and Naomi's Next (Raph POV):

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With Naomi by my side, we went to Donnie’s lab that night. The others were asleep, even Leo and Sophie by the looks of it by the time we entered the lab. Naomi was looking around carefully, her head slightly tilted in thought.

The egg was sitting in the open on the purple bean bag like it has been. We walked up to it. Naomi kept close to my back shell as I grabbed my Sais. Their handle familiar in my grip.

Just as I was about to jab it down on the egg, Naomi growled and Leo and Sophie came from nowhere, Leo blocking my blow with a Katana.

“Leo!” I cried. He looked up at me, his eyes completely black. Looking at Sophie, she was the same way. I gulped and Leo yanked his sword away, kicking me into Naomi who just stumbled.

I tried the first thing that was on my mind, trying to get them to snap out of it. “Leo! Sophie! Stop protecting the egg! If it hatches, it might try to eat us!”

“That’s what it’s going to do,” Naomi growled lowly by my ear, making me shudder a little. So silent only to sound right there.

Leo and Sophie just hissed, their teeth and mouth covered in green slime that made me worried. Beside me, Naomi whimpered softly. Just barely a sound, but noticeable.

“Snap out of it, guys! Your not yourselves!” I tried again. They paused and then growled, stepping toward us.

Gulping, I glanced at Naomi, “I’ll get Leo… You get Sophie, and the egg if you can.”

“I knew what I was doing,” she snapped, jumping up with her staff.

I ground my teeth and ran at Leo, my single Sai ready. He blocked it with a Katana and tried to bite me. Shocked, I jumped back, grabbing my other Sai. “Snap out of it, bro!”

Looking over, Naomi and Sophie were in a tumble, rolling around. I heard one of them cry out and Sophie flying over to the other side of the room. Instantly, Naomi stood up and grabbing her shoulder, groaning. She turned to face me and cried out, “Watch for Leo!”

He ran at me and started swinging randomly. I ducked and dodged, finally catching his sword with a Sai. Twisting my wrist, I made his grip loosen then I made him loose it. It stuck into the ceiling.

Growling, he ran at me and I made him fall. Instantly, he grabbed onto my ankle and tried to bite me. I fell back screaming and kicked him square in the face. Falling back, I stood up only to be tackled again.

It wasn’t Leo, and I felt a sharp pinch on my arm. Groaning, I kicked them off and stood up. Naomi was standing up from a fall, groaning softly. My arm hurt and I looked at it. “Did you bite me?”

Leo growled behind me and I turned, ready to defend, but he was smiling instead, like he knew. “She bit me!”

A pair of hisses behind me made me turn. Naomi’s eyes were as black as her mask, making me gulp. Sophie and Leo were in the same way, and I just got bit.

“Aw, crud…” I said, feeling myself get weak.

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