Watching Leo and the Egg (Sophie POV)

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Leo didn’t drive home… He sat where Naomi usually sat and let her drive. Of course most of us were disappointed because Leo gave up his position for once, but we soon got over it.

Entering the lair, Leo was the first one out, me ext and then the rest of the others. Mikito looked around like something was missing and Naomi came up to her, “Training, topside.”

“Even Melanie?” I asked, looking over.

Naomi looked up and nodded, “Even Melanie.”

“So we have to deal with the wasp egg ourselves?” Mikito asked.

“Sadly, yes,” Naomi nodded.

Raph finally came up to Leo and said, “I have a really bad feeling about keeping that thing in the lair.”

“Why?” I asked, looking at Raph. All I want to do is defile him to make him think that he was wrong. “It’s only an egg.”

“Raphael,” Leo said, turning around to face him. “Imagine all we can learn from it!”

“You know what’s inside wasp eggs, right?” Raph asked, glaring at Leo. “I’ll give you a hint: Wasps!”

“That’s not a hint!” Mikito exclaimed from beside me.

“You gave it away!” Mikey agreed.

Two peas in a pod is what they reminded me of… Both goofy, both start with ‘Mik’ and both end with the letter ‘o’ if you drag Mikey’s full name out.

Leo and I walked out, Mikito and the others following. Walking in Donnie’s lab, Leo set the jelly bean-looking wasp egg on a purple bean bad chair. Stepping back, he observed the egg closely.

I smiled and came up to Leo, touching his arm with my hand gently. He turned his head and looked at me blankly, which worried me a little. Only until Donnie came up with a small filet knife did Leo flip out.

“Fascinating,” Donnie smiled, inching toward the egg with the knife.

“Stop!” Leo cried, raising his hands up. “What are you doing?!

“Dissecting it,” Donnie replied calmly, looking at Leo calmly.

Leo came up to him, leaving me behind and dragged Donnie off, “Absolutely not! This is the only egg we have. We need to know how it develops!”

“Well then,” Donnie said awkwardly, “I guess I’ll continue… staring at it…”

“Good idea.” Leo nodded, then pointed to where Naomi, Mikito, Mikey, and Raph were at. “From over there.”

Donnie moved only a few inches. Leo glared at him and Donnie got the message, backing to where the others were waiting. I looked at Leo as he turned back toward the egg. He was starting to worry me…

“Well…” Donnie muttered. “I guess I’ll do… something in the other room… Guys care to join me?”

“Not unless you get more specific,” Mikey smiled weirdly.

Their footsteps receded and I was left alone with Leo and the egg. His arms were crossed and staring at the egg like it was going to hatch any second. I sat down beside him and let my head fall on his shoulder.

He made no move to look at me or stop me. Usually he would look at me sideways and smile. This time, he did not and it was worrying me. I even looked at him. He made no movement to look at me.

“Leo…?” I asked softly.

This time he looked at me. I smiled in relief and he just blinked and turned back to the egg. My spirits dropped, but I didn’t want to leave him. I stayed with him, looking at the egg as well… There was nothing to be interesting about it…

After a few minutes, Leo started moving. Twitching. I backed up, watching him. His eyes went haywire, turning from small pupils to large dilated irises. Getting worried, I backed up more.

Leo grabbed his head and started shaking it, growling and crying out in pain. It looked like he was struggling with himself and I came over and touched his shoulder gently after he stopped, calming down.

At my touch, he growled and looked up. His eyes were a deep black and I gasped, backing up. Leo growled and stood up into a crouch, ready to spring.

“L-Leo…?!” I gasped, backing up.

He hissed and jumped at me like a cat would do. Rolling on the ground, he pinned me, my hands by my head. I turned red, but it didn’t seem like that. No. Instead, he hissed and bit my neck, making me cry out. It hurt. It did!

I finally kicked him off and gasped, pressing my hand to my neck. I wasn’t bleeding, but he did break skin. Groaning, my vision went black and I passed out, not knowing what was happening…

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