Our Hero!

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Raph had stupidly called out to the wasps on the Shell Raiser. I glared at Raph and he ignored me, grabbing his Sais. I'm glad we had woken up on time because the Raiser was about to tip over and Mikey and Naomi were probably in it by the looks of it.

The wasps paused and turned their heads in a complete circle like an owl would and looked at us all with their many eyes. Which is still creepy if you ask me. They came up to us and I grabbed my Katanas from my shel, gritting my teeth.

They flew over and I grabbed my swords up, which was a weird angle since I'm used to slashing at the family. The wasp I was attacking grabbed one of my swords between its pincers and threw it away, almost hitting Donnie. He ducked and the blade jutted out from the stone.

I gulped and looked at the wasp. It buzzed and I backed up, Sophie and mine shells touching. We looked at one another and Sophie hugging me, her feet around my waist in fear.

"Mikito!" she cried.

"Easy...!" I said, trying to pry her off of me. It didn't really work. "But can you get off?"

That's when I saw the other in a circle with no weapons, also thrown around, with their shells to one another. Leo was the first to speak, "Looks like we're wasp food after all....!"

Suddenly, a loud boom filld my ears, making me jump, which in turn made Sophie fall off. The wasp in front of me shattered in a mess of goop and icky stuff. It splashed on us girls and Sophie groaned. "I gotta take a shower now...!"

"We both do!" I grinned. Two more booms sounded and the last two wasps also exploded in a mess of their own guts and insides.

Leo groaned and they all looked toward the Shell Raiser. Donnie looked a little annoyed. But a scream sounded and Mikey fell out with a scared expression. Naomi followed, but she hissed and snarled.

"She's infected!!" Mikey cried, running out.

"Hold her down!" Donnie exclaimed.

Leo, Raph, and I ran up and tackled Naomi down with some difficulty. It took a few minutes, but Donnie had run back in with another antibody made. Naomi hissed and spat at him, struggling under all our weight. Sophie even cameup while Donnie was making it because she was worried that we couldn't hold Naomi's strength.

Naomi flinched as Donnie injected the needle in her neck. At first, it looked ike it did nothing, but she closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head then looking at us with clouded eyes.

"What'd I miss...?" she slurred.

Raph chuckled, sitting up. We followed his lead as he said, "No more wasps."

Naomi smiled and cheered softly, "Yay."

I looked at her, blinking, slightly amused. "Really? A Fluttershy reference?"

"What?" Naomi looked at me, cross eyed.

"Now a Derpy reference," I laughed.

Confused on the show I was talking about, Naomi passed out like we all had when we got the antidote. Raph chuckled and scooped her up, leaving the lair entrance for the rest of us to clean up.

Sighing, Sophie went to grab some mops. I took the first one and started mopping up the wasp goop. Sophie and Leo helped me. Donnie went to get a blow torch while Mikey grabbed some pizza we had left over. Sensei and the ohers hadn't arrived yet, so we should clean while we can.

While Donnie was fixing theholes the wasps had put in the Raiser, Sophie looked up at us, "I can't believe Mikey actually came through."

"I can't believe he fired the Shell Raiser cannon inside the lair," Leo added.

"I can!" I smiled happily. Sophie and Leo looked at me, unsure of what to say. I looked down at the ground, trying to finish up my mopping section.

Apparently, Mikey was eavesdropping and answered us all, "I told you you should let me fire it more often!" he finished the slice of pizza he was eating and put a hand out to Donnie after he buped, "Pizza me!"

Donnie looked at Mikey's hand, "No, I will not pizza you." and went back to work.

"I guess you're right..." Mikey said with a smile. "It's not like I did something amazing and saved our lives and everything."

Leo looked over at Mikey while he was drinking and growled, "You're right, Mikey." he came up to the innocent orange Turtle and blocked him with one arm. "But you also used my limited time Space Heroes comic as toilet paper!"

Mikey paused and looked up at Leo, chuckling nervously. "But, I only did that so you could chase me..!"

"Well, it worked!" Leo snarled.

Mikey gulped and ran off. Leo was close behind with his mop. Leo tackled Mikey down, eyes blazing. Mikey cried out, "I'm a hero!!"

Raph came in and sighed, "I thought I was the only one who could terrorize Mikey..."

"Raph, do something!" I cried, trying to be helpful.

Raph only smirked and backed out of the entrance again. Sophie laughed, leaning on her mop for support. I whined and then I heard voices down the tunnel. I looked over as Melanie, Kyoto, Splinter and Natasha came into view

Melanie waved at me. I waved back. She looked so much like Naomi it was kind of scary. If only she had a black mask and a strap for a staff, I probably wouldn't tell them apart. Well, other than her eyes. She had Raph's neon green.

"What happened here?" Splinter asked. Sophie and I looked down. There were still some goop. And Leo and Mikey had roughoused over it all, so it only made it worse. I sighed and explained to Sensei.

"So where's Mom..?" Melanie asked. She was so cute. She made Raph's own green eyes look bad. Hers had the life and energy Naomi's had.

"She's in her room," Sophie answered

Melanie nodded, her bandana bobbing on her shoulder and took off to find her parents. It was still hard to believe that Naomi had her...I wasn't used to it... The thought proccess couldn't be fathomed.

Natasha was walking past with Kyoto, both bruised. Probably from training. Sensei could be tough when it came to training.

Donnie was finished with mending the holes in the Shell Raiser and looked at Splinter. "Where's April?"

"She went home for tonight," he said, looking at Donnie. The Turtle's face was horrified, but Splinter quickly reassured him. "Only to get some things. She'l be back." he looked at the mess then me and Sophie. "Are you going to clean this up?"

We nodded and continued working, mopping up the rest of the goopy mess. Almost everyone was asleep when we finished. I stretched and walked in Mikey's room. I was tired and just plopped down on his bed. He smiled and wrapped me close, me falling instantly asleep when he stopped moving.

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