Chapter 3

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Alright I have decided to make Clint and Aris in a relationship. I don't know exactly why, but I feel like they would make a good couple.


When the farmers are done rinsing off the fruit and veggies they sit down and take a break. The cooks are working hard to prepare the meal, and they said it'll be done in about 30 minutes. 

The farmers are all relaxing till the food is done. Thomas and the others usually spend all morning getting what the cooks need and rinsing it off. While they wait for lunch to be ready everyone talks and hangs out. Thomas usually joins in a conversation because he feels stupid to just be sitting there in silence, but today that was exactly what he did. 

Thomas was thinking about the Safe Haven and its jobs. There weren't a lot of jobs since things were pretty simple, but Thomas was still thinking about the possibility of becoming a mechanic for the Safe Haven. To most people this wouldn't seem like an interesting topic, but things have calmed down a lot since escaping W.I.C.K.E.D. and most people seem to be getting a bit bored. Everyone knows that this life is way better than being on the run, and no one here would have it any other way, but a few people are restless. Thomas including. He enjoys life in the Safe Haven; I mean it does keep you safe, but Thomas can't help but wonder if being here will make him grow farther away from the people he cares about. 

It's a stupid fear, and Thomas knows it, but he can't help but feel like he was closer with everyone when they were running for their lives. It doesn't matter Thomas thinks. I'd rather live this life than being on the run. 

Thomas shakes his head almost as if to shake his thoughts away. he doesn't want to send himself into another panic attack. 

Thomas started having panic attacks about a week after he woke up. Minho was there for the first one, but that wasn't the last one. Thomas goes through his attacks alone, and he never tells anyone. 

Thomas doesn't want to worry his friends. He's only had 3 since he woke up and he hasn't had anymore this week, so maybe he won't get them again and Thomas won't have to feel guilty for lying. 

Again Thomas shakes his head trying to redirect his thoughts to something else. He ends up going back to the possibility of being the Safe Havens mechanic. I'll talk to Vince later today he thinks. Almost as if on cue a loud bell rings throughout the Safe Haven signaling that it's time for lunch.

Little did Thomas know was that he was never going to get the chance to speak with Vince.


Ooooooooo what do you think is going to happen to Thomas?

Hehe I'm exited. 

I'll be posting the next chapter tommarrow hopfully!


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