Chapter 10

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Hey I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting a lot lately. School has given me a lot of stress, and I'm having a hard time managing my life right now. I hope you like this part, and I'll try my best to update this story.


Thomas ended up sitting there for a while. He had absolutely no intention of leaving Newt's side, unless it was for a good reason. Right now he had no reason to leave, so he stayed.

Thomas sat by Newt's side holding his hand for a long time. He heard commotion outside, but he ignored it. The only thing that mattered was making sure that the British boy in front of him was okay.

Eventually Minho ended up coming in to visit Newt. "What was all the commotion about?" asked Thomas. They were making a lot of noise out there. Minho laughed harshly and then started to explain. "Well you ex over there decided to bring a W.I.C.K.E.D. worker on the ship with them, and let me tell you, Vince was not happy." Minho laughs quietly again. Thomas keeps thinking about what Minho said before he finally catches on.

"Wait Teresa is my ex!" he exclaimed. Minho looks at him like he was crazy, but then he starts to smirk. "Well you see here Thomas, when two people like each othe-" Minho gets caught off by Thomas shoving him with one hand, the other is still holding Newt's. "I know what it means, I just didn't think you would call her my ex." Thomas states, and turns his attention back to the sleeping boy in front of him. 

Minho shakes his head and stares at Thomas. "What?" Thomas finally asks, getting annoyed. "We just had a whole conversation about how Teresa brought a W.I.C.K.E.D. worker on the ship, and the only thing you take from that conversation is that I called Teresa you ex." Minho chuckles a bit before continuing to stare at Thomas. Thomas glares half heartedly at Minho. "I just didn't expect you to call her that, and what did happen with the W.I.C.K.E.D. worker?" Thomas asks, deliberately changing the conversation. Minho shakes his head one more time before answering. "Apparently her name is Martha, and she's the reason Teresa and Newt are alive." If Thomas didn't know Minho so well he wouldn't have picked up on the way his voice softened when he spoke about his best friend. Thomas put his hand on Minho's shoulder just to offer a bit of comfort. "Anyways, Vince decided to let them say, but if they do anything suspicious then they go." Thomas nodes agreeing with the way Vince was thinking. 

Minho stayed a bit longer, but then he left to go and meet up with his girlfriend Sonya who just finished her working shift. A couple of other people visited, but the only one who never left was Thomas.

Aris or Clint would check in here and there, but they could never stay for long. Thomas always stayed there though, holding Newt's hand and gazing down at the boy. 

But good things never last right.

Thomas was still sitting there besides Newt's bed. Sometimes he would get up and walk around so his legs didn't fall asleep, but then someone else came to visit.

"Hey, Tom." they said, and Thomas immediately knew who it was. "Hello, Teresa." he replied, not looking up from Newt.

"Tom, can we talk?" she asked. This time Thomas did look up at her. "Outside?" she added, but it was still posed as a question.

Thomas most reluctantly nodded and let go of Newt's hand.

Teresa smiled, but Thomas just kept his eyes straight ahead and went outside to go talk with Teresa.


Man don't you just hate cliffhangers.

Alright I need you opinion, and if no one decides to comment then I'm just going to do my own thing.

Comment what you want:

Thomas forgives Teresa

Thomas doesn't forgive Teresa

Please comment what you want, and I'll see yall later!


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