Chapter 9

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Hey, sorry for not updating I've just been busy with school and stuff. Whelp back to the story!


Thomas stared at the flare infection. It terrified him. He almost lost Newt to it once, was he going to get him back just to loose him again? 

"Oh, Tommy..." Newt trailed off seeing that Thomas wasn't paying any attention to him. Minho then walked over wondering what Thomas was staring at, but then he saw the flare infection. Minho's eyes widened, but he quickly stoned himself and called out to the med-jacks. "Med-jacks, we got a crank!" he yelled, but it wasn't very accusing it sounded almost defeated. 

Clint and his boyfriend Aris jogged over to Newt to have a look at his arm. Aris was a med-jack along with Clint and some others. "Don't worry we have some of the cure that we can use on you." says Clint reassuring everyone. "Thomas we're going to need your blood to make the transfer if you don't mind." Aris said. 

Thomas didn't look away from Newt's arm, he just nodded. Clint started walking ahead to the med-jack's tent, and Aris started to get Newt and Thomas to make their way over. 

Once they got to the med-jack's tent Clint already had everything set up. He ask Newt to lay down, while Aris took a bit of Thomas's blood. Clint to the original cure and mixed it with Thomas's blood to created to completed one. Clint handed the completed cure over to his boyfriend, and Aris injected that into Newt's arm. Newt's eyes started to droop, and he got very tired.

"What's going on?" asked Thomas. (Sorry if this next bit isn't really true, I'm not very smart) "His immune system is adjusting to the cure, so he should be out for the next couple of hours." Clint replied. Thomas seemed to visibly calm down at this. "He'll be out for a while, so you can leave if you want." Aris suggested, but Thomas just shook his head. He took a chair and placed it by Newt's left arm. Clint and Aris just shrugged, then headed out of the med-jack's tent.

Newt looked up and Thomas, and Thomas smiled down at him. Thomas grabbed Newt's good hand with both of his then placed a soft kiss on his knuckles. "Goodnight Newt." he said. Newt gave him a sleepy smile before closing his eyes. "Goodnight Tommy."


Damn, not gonna lie I couldn't help but smile as I wrote that last paragraph. 

Later yall


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