Chapter 1

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Okay here we go! Chapter 1!


The sun started to rise over the Safe Haven. It wasn't exactly quiet, but Thomas was okay with the noise. It made him feel as if he were still connected to something, as if he wasn't alone. He could hear Frypan in the distance working with the other cooks to help prepare breakfast, and he could vaguely hear someone arguing in the distance, but it quickly broke into laughter. Staring up at the soft orange sky it felt peaceful. 

Well it would've been peaceful, but something was on Thomas's mind.

It never really leaves his mind for that matter. The thought is always with him. Always there in the back of his head, and it hurts to think about it. 

It's your fault

The statement replays over and over in Thomas's mind like a chant. He's stuck in his own head with no escape. It's only been a month, but Thomas would never forget. He would never forget the last words of his best friend. Of the person who always believed in him. 

He would never forget the last words of the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Please Tommy, Please!

Thomas winces at the memory and it take everything in his power to stop the pools in his eyes from spilling.

"Hey Thomas!" shouts a voice. Thomas is sent out of his daydream and looks up to see Minho jogging over to him. "You slinthead I've be tryin' to get your attention for the past 5 shucking minutes." Thomas looks up at Minho in a daze he is still trying to fully awake from his daydream. Minho sighs and sits next to Thomas on the bench. He looks up at the sun and Thomas follows. After a couple seconds Minho finally askes the question. "So, what were you thinking about?"

Thomas glances over to him and tries to think of something to say. When nothing comes to mind Thomas just shrugs. 

Minho chuckles and shakes his head. "One of these days I'm going to get you to tell me." he claims. Thomas is about to say something back, but before he can even open his mouth the breakfast bell rings throughout the Safe Haven. 

Minho turns to Thomas with a smile on his face. "Come on shank, time for breakfast!" he exclaims and starts to jog over to the mess hall.

Thomas takes another good look at the sun before he gets up and goes to join Minho.


Hey! I know it's moving slow right now, but I don't want to really rush it. But don't worry it's going to get exiting soon!


Together Again // newtmasWhere stories live. Discover now