Chapter 11

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Hey guys! I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating I was just really busy these past couple of weeks. Here is a short chapter, but I does have a lot of meaning. I hope you like it!


Teresa and Thomas stopped behind the tent, and out of everyone's view.

Teresa just stands there awkwardly and shifts her gaze from her feet to Thomas. "You wanted to talk, so say something." Thomas says, his gaze on her unwavering. "Was it true?" Teresa blurts suddenly. Before Thomas can ask what she means, she cuts him off. "Our relationship, was it true, was it real?"

Thomas sighs and suddenly gets uncomfortable. He looks down at his shoes thinking of something to say.

"Tom?" Teresa asks cautiously, as if she made one wrong move Thomas would run away.

Thomas finally looks up at her, and he puts his mask down. He shows all the pain that he's been feeling through that one look. Thomas almost let himself break down right there. Almost.

"Teresa, you were always important to me..." he starts, and Teresa looks at him silently urging him to go on. "I loved you like a sister, and when you wanted to be more I just went with it, but I never really felt like you could be any more than my best friend." he states. Thomas looks down, feeling guilty and ashamed.

I should have never encouraged the idea of being more than friends. She shouldn't have to get hurt because of my choices.

Thomas looks back down at his feet getting lost in his own head, when Teresa's voice brings him back. "Loved?" she says in a questioning tone. "What?" Thomas looks at her confused. Teresa sighs and then continues. "You said 'I loved you like a sister' what do you mean by loved" she asks, emphasizing the ed.

Thomas looks at her and sighs with a mixture of emotions on his face. "Teresa I did love you, but Minho got captured, and Newt almost died hell I thought he was dead." Thomas says his expression turning sad and angry at the mention of Newt's 'death.' "And that all happened because you still believed the W.I.C.K.E.D. was good, I don't think I can forgive you for that, not yet at least. Thomas finally answers.

Teresa looks at him, and she takes a minute to think it over. She doesn't want to say something that she'll regret later. So all she says is. "Okay." Teresa gives Thomas a small smile, full of pity and love then she turns on her heel and walks away from Thomas.

Unfortunately Teresa turned too quickly, and she missed Thomas returning her small gesture.


I really hope you liked it. Sorry for not updating again! I feel like this chapter sort of implies that Teresa and Thomas aren't going to become mortal enemies, and that they might just forgive each other.

Till next time!

-Claire ;)

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