Chapter 8

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Okay you can obviously tell that something is going to happen!!!


Minho had his arm around Newt, and they started talking. Minho was just so happy to get his friend back that he forgot to ask the most important question.

How was Newt alive?

The question was running through Thomas's brain as he stared at Newt. Damn he missed him so much. 

Back in the Maze Newt and Minho were the only 2 that he could trust. Eventually Thomas also gave Teresa that trust, and it turned out to be a huge mistake. Giving Teresa that trust got Minho captured, but no matter what Newt always stood by Thomas's side. 

Newt was his best friend in the beginning, then he became someone that he really liked, and then Newt became someone that Thomas loved with everything that he had. Minho was a great best friend, but there was something there with Newt that Thomas just didn't get with Minho.

Thomas planned to tell Newt how he really felt once they were all safe. It never occurred to Thomas that his worst nightmares could come true.

He thought that he was never going to be able to tell Newt how he felt, and that crushed him. But here was Newt standing just a couple yards away from him.

Eventually Newt caught Thomas staring at him. "Tommy," he asked with a slight blush creeping up on his face. "you alright?" Thomas continued to stare at Newt without saying anything. Now Newt's blush was visible to everyone.

"Tomm-" Newt stared, but he was cut off by Thomas running forward and kissing him. Newt was frozen in shock, but he stared to melt into the kiss. For a moment nothing else mattered. The Safe Haven could've been overrun with cranks and neither boy would've cared.

Eventually they pulled away again and Newt rested his forehead against Thomas's. They both opened their eyes and stared at each other. They both smiled at each other, and for a moment it was just the 2 boys and nothing else. 

Then Thomas remembered something. He abruptly pulled away from Newt and grabbed his right arm. "Tommy?" Newt asked. Thomas grabs the sleeve of Newt's jacket and pushes it up. There under that sleeve is the thing that made Thomas's nightmares come true. 

There under the sleeve was the flare infection.



I'm sorry for bringing back the flare, but it doesn't just magically disappear especially when you don't have the correct cure.

See you guys later!


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