Chapter 4

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I'm sorry that I wasn't able to post for 2 days, but hopefully I'll be able to post consistently soon.


The Christmas bonfire was amazing. Thomas passed out on his bed as soon as it was over. He was exhausted. But it was all worth it; Thomas had a lot of fun, but enough of that today was a new day and he had to get back to work. 

Thomas was thinking about asking Vince about the mechanic job at lunch since meals was the only time he really saw the 'leader.' And despite all odds, Thomas was getting exited just at the thought of being the Safe Haven's mechanic. Thomas came to the conclusion that he probably liked engineering and building before W.I.C.K.E.D. and the maze. 

Right now he was out in the fields again working on his task quickly, so they could get the crops to the cooks, but instead of clearing his mind like working usually does, Thomas started to let his mind wander. Being a mechanic would probably be one of the best things that happened to him ever since he woke up in the Safe Haven. Not a lot of good things have happened since Thomas woke up, and it seemed like he would really enjoy being a mechanic. Thomas flushed wile working. 'I must of been a nerd' he thought.

Thomas's mind continued to wander around the thought of being the Safe Haven mechanic, and suddenly it was time to bring the crops to the cooks for lunch. The farmers all worked quickly and efficiently. In no time they were finished. All the farmers sat down and waited for lunch to begin. They started their conversations and shared stories, but not Thomas.

Thomas was thinking about what he would say to Vince.

Soon enough the lunch bell rang and everyone in the Safe Haven started to pile in the mess hall. Thomas's eyes were searching for Vince, but instead they made contact with Minho who looked right back at him.

"Watcha' looking for shank?" asked Minho taking a seat next to Thomas.

Thomas was still looking around the room almost ignoring Minho's presence when he said "I'm looking for Vince."

Minho stared back at Thomas in confusion. "What do you need him for?" Minho asked emphasizing on the him. Thomas looked at Minho with a questioning look. Minho sighed and explained "Well I don't have anything against him, but come on there are plenty of other people who could probably help you; why do you need him."

Thomas glanced around for a second as if he were looking for Vince again before saying that he wanted to be a mechanic. 

Minho stared at him, but after a bit of talking he seemed cool with it, and actually thought it was a good idea.

"I mean your a good farmer, but I think that farming ain't your type of job you know what I mean." said Minho. Thomas just shrugged. He sort of understood what Minho meant, but not completely. They went back to eating and Thomas still searched the room for Vince, but by the looks of it, it seemed that Vince was skipping lunch so Thomas would have to talk to him another time. Thomas and Minho were eating in comfortable silence until Minho broke it with words that Thomas really didn't want to hear.

"You are a good farmer don't get me wrong, but I always felt like you became a farmer for Newt more than yourself." says Minho.

As soon as the words left Minho's mouth Thomas froze. Minho looked over at him and instantly regretted the words. "Thomas..." Minho started, but it trailed off.

What was he supposed to say?

Thomas's breaths got more ragged, and it took everything in his power to stop the sudden panic from turning into a full blown panic attack.

After a couple of minutes Thomas's breathing returned to normal. "Sorry about that..." he said now embarrassed that he couldn't even handle hearing the name of his best friend.

Minho opened his mouth to reply, but it was cut off by a loud sound.

The sound of a ships horn.


Who's ship could it be?

Is it W.I.C.K.E.D.?

It is the Newtmas ship? 

Sorry that was cheezy.



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