Chapter 5

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Boom chapter 5!

Hey I'm perfectly fine if none of you want to like these chapters, but can at least one person comment so I know people are actually reading it?



Everyone looked around in confusion. 

It was silent for a moment before everyone started asking questions at the same time.

What was that?

Was it a ship?

Is W.I.C.K.E.D. coming for us again?

The last question really scared Thomas. What would happen if W.I.C.K.E.D. did come for them? Would the Safe Haven stand strong and protect itself, or would they be put back into the hands of W.I.C.K.E.D?

People were still shouting out questions until someone walked into the mess hall and yelled.

"QUIET!" The person yelled, and everyone suddenly stopped and looked towards the front of the room. Vince was standing there with a spear in his hand and an angry look on his face.

"There is one ship out there, I want everyone to grab a weapon and head out with me." he said. Everyone glanced at each other before they made their way to the weapons room. 

I guess I'll have to ask Vince about being a mechanic another time. Thought Thomas.

When they made it to the weapons room everyone started grabbing their preferred weapon. They only had a limited amount of guns, so not a lot of people got those. Brenda and Gally somehow managed to get their hands on the guns. Gally got his hands on a fairly large pistol, while Brenda got a 22 cal. gun. 

Minho took a manchette since that was his main weapon back in the maze, and his girlfriend Sonya took a bow and arrow since that was her main weapon. Aris, Clint, and Frypan weren't much fighters so they just got some small knives. Aris got a ring knife (In case anyone is confused this is basically an ordinary knife, but it has a ring for you to put your finger in at the end of it) Frypan got a simple straight knife, and Clint got stuck with a small pocket knife.

Harriet, Frypan's girlfriend took a spear and so did Thomas.

In a matter of minutes almost everyone in the Safe Haven was armed with some sort of weapon. 

Thomas glanced at Vince who was talking to 3 men about something, and it looked important. I'll tell him tomorrow. Thought Thomas. 

Vince then sent the men away to do something, and when he looked back he caught Thomas staring at him. 

Vince went up to Thomas and stood next to him. "You scared?" he asked in his gruff voice. Thomas looked up and glanced at him. "Someone once told me, if you ain't scared you ain't human." Thomas replies staring at the boat that was coming closer by the second. 

Vince makes a noise and it sounds like he was agreeing with what Thomas said. "Smart man." states Vince. Thomas still stared at the boat, but he did reply. "Yeah, yeah he was." Thomas says not bothering to keep the sadness out of his voice. Vince sighs and pats Thomas shoulder, then he walks off. 

Thomas turned his gaze to where Vince was walking when he sees the 3 men that Vince sent off coming back. The men were carrying something. A cannon. Thomas realizes with shock. 

They were planning to blow up the ship!

The men prep the cannon, and Thomas just stares at them in shock. Suddenly Vince calls out to them. "Hold your fire, let's see if these people are a threat or not." he states. The men look over at him and give a quick nod of their heads before stepping back a bit from the cannon.

Thomas looks back at the boat, when he suddenly feels a presence behind him. The person moves from behind Thomas to stand next to him. Out of the corner of his eye Thomas can see that it Minho.

"Thomas, I'm really sorry for what I said back in the mess hall, I didn't know that you react like that." Minho says looking down at his feet. Thomas finally looks directly at him. "...It's okay, I honestly didn't know that I would react like that as well." he says. Minho looks up at him and gives him a small smile. Thomas retunes the smile with his own and then he looks back at the boat. 

After about another 5 minutes of waiting the boat finally stops at the shore. Everyone's grip tightens on their weapons, they're all ready to fight.

But instead of W.I.C.K.E.D. soldiers one single person comes out, and everyone that reconsises her gasps in shock.



Oooooo cliff hanger!!!

Seriously though can someone comment on this. 

I feel so lonely.

I'll update tomorrow!!! 



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