Chapter 6

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Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday; I was really busy!


"Teresa!?" Thomas exclaimed.

All the Gladers from group A and group B stared at her in shock. Some of the Right Arm people knew who she was because they heard stories about her, but everyone knew she was dead. 

Her name was engraved on the rock memorial, how could she be alive?

"Tom, its been a while!" she said with some weird joy that Thomas couldn't put his finger on. 

Thomas just stared at her, not knowing what to do. It didn't help that everyone in the Safe Haven had their eyes on him. Thomas looked around meeting their gazes, before he finally made eye contact with Minho. Minho looked at Thomas, and slightly shook his head. 


That's the message that Minho was trying to send to Thomas. Thankfully Thomas had gotten pretty good at reading his best friend, so he understood what Minho was trying to tell him.

Don't trust her.

Thomas looked around at everyone again, and he made eye contact with Vince. Vince looked at him expectantly. That's when Thomas realized. They were waiting for him to make a decision. Thomas looked around at everyone one more time before looking back at Teresa.

"Teresa is dead, stop messing with my mind W.I.C.K.E.D." said Thomas. Everyone including Thomas was sort of shocked by his tone. It was devoid of emotions, and basically left no room for argument. 

It took Teresa a couple seconds before she finally got her act together. "Tom, I know you might not trust me yet, bu-" Teresa was cut off by Thomas's voice. "Teresa is dead, stop we know that it's you W.I.C.K.E.D. you even have your logo on the side of the ship." Thomas stated his voice was slowly creeping towards anger, but other than that he sounded numb. Sure enough on the side of the boat was the logo. W.I.C.K.E.D. Teresa stared at the logo with shock written on her face. 

"No Tom, you don't understa-" Teresa was cut off again, but Thomas wasn't the one who cut her off this time.

"I think that's enough from you Teresa." Vince said. He practically spit out her name. Vince remembers the day Mary died all to well, and it was all Teresa's fault. 

Teresa look over to Vince and recognition flashed in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted again.

This time the voice came from the ship she was on. "I told you that they wouldn't believe you." said an all to familiar british voice. "I didn't want you to come out first because I didn't want to give someone a heart attack." she replies.  

"No ones gonna get a bloody heart attack." the persons said before they walked out on the deck of the ship next to Teresa.

All the Gladers from group A and B stared at the boy in shock and sadness.

"Newt..." Thomas said, his voice barely above a whisper, but Newt heard him.

Newt looked at Thomas and grinned that amazing grin that Thomas missed.

"Hey Tommy!"



Sorry for making this one so short.

Hey, I know I said it in the last story, but can someone please comment so I know that I'm not writing this for ghosts. Literally all you have to do is write "Hi" in the comments and I'll be happy.



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