Chapter 13

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I'm back, and don't worry this isn't the last part!


Thomas and Newt stayed in the tent for a couple more minutes talking about random things. Then Newt brought up the conversation with Teresa.

"So, what did you guys talk about?" Newt asked, and Thomas smirked at him. "Why jealous Newtie?" he asked with a cocky smile. Newt blushed a bit before responding. "No, I just wanted to know. You were always on her mind while we were on the ship." Thomas drops his smirk, and smiles softly at Newt. "We didn't talk for very long, she just asked me if I ever loved her." Thomas says nonchalantly. Newt looks at Thomas, and before he can stop himself he asks. "What did you say!" Raising his voice a bit, and then blushing after a second.

Thomas smiled at Newt trying to hide his smirk, and answered. "I told her that I loved her like a sister, but now I don't know how I feel about her." Thomas shrugged and continued. "She betrayed us, and nearly got you killed." Thomas said, his voice cracking with emotion when he said killed. Newt leaned forward and brought Thomas into a soft but firm hug full of love. "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere." He then pulled away and smiled at Thomas. Thomas leaned forward and gave him a kiss full of love that was much too short for Newt's liking.

"Come on, let's go meet up with the others." Thomas said then got up and pulled Newt with him. "I'm coming Tommy." Newt said, and the two shared one more kiss before heading out of the tent.

The sun was starting to set and the Safe Haven was lit with torches. "We have a bonfire every night with a fighting circle which Gally still dominates." Thomas explained with a smile on his face. "Oh and by the way, did you know that Gally and Brenda are dating?" Thomas exclaims making Newt chuckle. "No, but now that I think about it, it makes sense." Newt says. "Yeah, but almost everyone is dating, so I was the single pringle for a month." Thomas says jokingly, making Newt chuckle again. Thomas beams at Newt, and gives him another quick kiss before starting off in a jog towards the bonfire. Newt's hand still in his.

When Thomas and Newt finally reach the bonfire they see Minho and his girlfriend Sonya smirking at them. Thomas and Newt blushed a bit before Aris and Clint walked up to them, also hand in hand. Newt looks at them to their hands and back at them again. "Bloody hell I'm gone for one month and everything changes." Newt says jokingly while beaming at Aris and Clint. Clint blushes furiously while Aris lets out a 'manly' giggle making Thomas and Newt chuckle.

Suddenly Minho and Sonya walk up to them. "Hello my gay friends, how is life going for you shanks?" Minho asks while smirking, Sonya giggles a bit and facepalms herself. "We were just about to head over to the fighting circle to go find Brenda and Gally, wanna come?" She asks after elbowing Minho in the side. "Sure, I think I saw Harriet and Frypan go over there as well." Clint says. Newt shrugs "Why not?"

The six of them head over to the fighting pits, and sit down next to Harriet and Frypan. While Clint and Aris engage in conversation with the couple, The Ivy Trio and Sonya watch Gally's fight. Brenda is standing around the circle with a bunch of other people and watching the fight while cheering on Gally. Suddenly the guy Gally was fighting-Dan-flies out of the circle and Gally is named the winner.

Then Gally makes eye contact with Thomas, and smirks. "What do you say Greenie, wanna fight?" Thomas smiles at the words, and then Newt let's go of his hand and starts to chant. "Greenie, greenie, greenie" He starts and eventually everyone around the circle looks at Thomas and starts chanting. Greenie! Greenie! Greenie! Thomas then steps into the circle. "Don't worry, I know the rules." He says, then smirks at Gally. The two go to the opposite sides of the circle, and everyone starts stomping their feet creating a drumroll. Then simultaneously the two boys charge at each other, and the fight begins.

The boys start dodging and trading punches and shoves. Eventually they're both tired out, but the Safe Haven is anxious to see who the winner is. Gally manages to tackle Thomas to the ground! He has him pinned, but then Newt's voice calls out from the crowd. "Come on Tommy!" He cheers. With one last final attempt Thomas uses Gally's old move and sweeps his legs out from under him. Thomas gets up quickly and holds Gally in a choke hold. Everyone goes crazy-even Brenda-cheering for Thomas. Gally taps out, and Thomas is declared the winner!

Even though he lost, Gally shares one of his rare smiles with Thomas. They grab each other's forearms and shake hands. Thomas grinned right back at Gally before breaking contact to go to Newt, and Gally went to Brenda. 

Everyone in the Safe Haven got up and surrounded the two couples. "Welcome back Newt!" Gally said, still grinning. Thomas beamed at Newt, and was rewarded with a kiss. "Welcome home Newt!" Everyone cheered, because they all heard stories of a certain British blond, and he was finally home!


I don't know about you, but I teared up a bit writing that!

Hope you liked it!!!


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