Chapter 2

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Thomas walks into the mess hall to find Minho already sitting down with the other Gladers that survived. Some of the Gladers have girlfriends or boyfriends, but they like to keep the groups separate when eating. The Gladers sit together and group A is separate from group B. After breakfast everyone goes and either works, or just does their own thing. Since there is a lot more people in the Safe Haven then there was in the maze everyone can have shifts instead of working all day. 

Thomas goes and sits down next to Minho. Him and Frypan are messing around, so they don't really notice when Thomas sits down. It's gradually getting colder and its getting very close to Christmas (sorry if you don't celebrate Christmas) everyone in the Safe Haven is getting really excited. They said that before Christmas people would give gifts to each other, but this year everyone is just gathering together to have an awesome time and a bonfire.

Thomas keeps his head down while eating. A million thoughts are running through his head. "Hey shuckface," says Minho. Thomas looks up at him with confusion written on his face. "Watcha thinkin' about?" Thomas stares at Minho. Thomas was thinking about a lot of things, but one thing came to mind.


Thomas mentally scolds himself for even considering the possibility of telling Minho that he was thinking of Newt. 

Thomas remembers that day all to clearly. 

He remembers the look of hurt and betrayal written on Minho's face when he saw Newt and Thomas.

No, it wasn't your fault.

The voice in Thomas's head send him back to reality. Thomas's gaze focuses on a expectant Minho waiting for an answer. 

"I was just thinking about us." states Thomas. When Minho shoots Thomas a confused glance he elaborates. "I mean, I still can't believe it; we're actually here in the Safe Haven." It wasn't a complete lie. Thomas was thinking about them, but it wasn't him main thought. 

Minho chuckles and shakes his head. "We've been here for a month now slinthead, get used to it." 

Thomas smiles at Minho, and this time it's a real smile. Then he goes back to eating breakfast.


When breakfast is over everyone goes and does their own thing. Frypan and the other cooks are cleaning up and talking about what they're going to make for lunch. Harriet is over there too keeping Frypan company. Harriet is a farmer, so she's also there to make sure that they have everything the cooks ask for. 

Minho had to choose a different job since they don't need anyone running around anymore. He chose to be a builder; fixing anything that's broken or making new things. His shift doesn't start till after lunch, so right now he's hanging out with his girlfriend Sonya. 

Gally still kept his job as a builder, and he seems to have lightened up a bit since he got a girlfriend. Thomas was actually shocked when he heard that Gally and Brenda were dating, but he quickly got over it. Thomas knew that he would never truly forgive Gally for what happened to Chuck, but he stopped holding it against him.

Even though Thomas had friends and everyone in the Safe Haven was very friendly it made him feel very single. 

He would never tell his friends this though. Thomas didn't want them to think that they should stop hanging with their girlfriends and boyfriend for him. 

Thomas's shift started right after breakfast, and it ended when lunch started. Unlike Minho and Gally Thomas was a farmer. Thomas would work in the fields until lunch. It was peaceful there, and it allowed Thomas to get things off his mind. He usually didn't have a lot of work since there are so many people in the Safe Haven, but he still had enough to keep himself busy.

He started the day off that same as always. He went to the field just as Harriet came back from the mess hall. Harriet said that the cooks were going to need a lot of broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes.

Thomas got to work in the carrot field with a couple others, and they began pulling carrots out of the ground.

That was what Thomas liked about working in the fields. He didn't have to think about anything besides his task. It was a good distraction and Thomas was grateful for it.


Thomas and the others have just finished the carrot field when Frypan came out and said that they were ready for the broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes.

Now it was time for the second part of his job. The farmers headed inside with the fruit and vegetables. There was a couple different sinks in the cook room and multiple people lined up at one and began rinsing the dirt off of the fruit and vegetables.

They were all working at a swift pace until someone at the end of the row started to groan. Everyone looked up from what they were doing and they saw that the sink at the end of the row stopped working. Questions filled the air and everyone started asking what happened. "I don't know it just stopped!" exclaimed one of the farmers. Then someone opened up the cupboard under the sink, and he looked inside. "It looks like something is blocking the water from coming up the pipe." they said. Suddenly there is a loud bang an the boy comes out from underneath the sink and hold up what looks like a rusty piece of medal. "Try it now." he said. When the other boy turns on the sink it starts to work, but the pipes underneath are leaking a lot!

He shuts off the sink again. "Now what do we do?" he askes, and when no one answers he just steps back from the sink. When he steps back Thomas takes a step forward. He looks underneath the sink to find a bolt unscrewed. He quickly screws it back in an turns on the sink. This time the sink works with no leaks!

"Nice one Thomas!" someone says. Thomas looks up and finds Frypan smiling at him. "Thanks" is all he says before everyone gets back to work again.

Thomas is about to start working again, but he hears a girls voice. "I think he should be a mechanic or something." they say. Thomas try's to shake off the thought, but he can't help but wonder.


Boom! 1097 words. My longest piece so far. 

What do you think about Thomas being an mechanic?

Also I was thinking about making Clint and Aris in a relationship; what do you think?

Till next time!

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