Chapter 7

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Sorry for not posting yesterday. Also, happy New Years Eve! Anyway back to the story.


"Hey Tommy!" Newt exclaimed.

No one moved.

No one said anything.

Even some of the right arm knew who Newt was, and they all knew that Newt and Teresa we both dead. Or at least they were supposed to be.

Thomas just stared at Newt in shock not knowing what to do. Thomas felt something rising inside him again, but it wasn't panic. Thomas couldn't place the emotion, but it made him feel so strange.

Need. Said a voice in his head.

What do I need?

Thomas thought, but he had to push that thought away when Minho gently nudged him. Thomas snapped out of his thoughts only to find the Safe Haven population looking at him again. Thomas made eye contact with Minho and just gaped dumbly at him. They both had no idea what to do.

Minho seemed to realize that Thomas wasn't about to do anything anytime soon, so he took a slight step closer to Teresa and Newt.

"We warned you once and now we'll warn you again, leave W.I.C.K.E.D." he said. Minho could be extremely intimidating when he wanted to be, and at this very moment Thomas was glad that he was on Minho's good side.

Newt looked a little shocked, but he expected that much. I mean they did watch him 'die', so it would probably be a lot harder to convince them that he was alive. "Look Minho I know that it's crazy, and if I were you I probably wouldn't believe me either, but I swear to whatever bloody god that is watching us that it is me."

Minho looked a little taken aback by Newt's small statement, but suddenly he started to smirk ever so slightly.

"Alright Newt if you really are who you say you are then you won't mind answering a question or something right?" Minho asked he smirk slightly growing. "Yeah, I'll answer your questions." Newt said, but he started to get a bit nervous after seeing Minho's smirk grow.

"Oh don't worry it's just one question." Minho said full on smirking now at the british boy. "Get on with it shank." Newt said getting slightly annoyed at Minho. Minho smirked one more time before asking the question that would tell the difference between the real Newt or an imposter.

"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" asked Minho.

Everyone looked at him like he was a bit crazy. This was the question Newt was supposed to answer? 

Thomas was the first one to understand it. He remembered that conversation like it was yesterday. So many things happened that day, and this conversation eased everyone's nerves a bit.

Newt on the other hand looked completely lost, and Thomas began to loose hope. Thomas hadn't even realized that he was hoping Newt was the real Newt until he lost that hope.

Then something flickered across Newts confused expression turning it into a smirk as well. "go ahead" Newt replied.

Thomas couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Be careful don't die." Minho said. Minho's smirk started to fall. It all depended on the answer Newt gave. Was he the real Newt or was he a fake? 

Newt smiled softly. "Great we're all bloody inspired." he stated. Minho looked at him in shock for a second, but then he was running over to the boat and hoping on bored. He gave Newt a huge grin before enveloping him in a bear hug. They stayed there for a couple of second before they broke apart and grinned at each other.

Minho looked over Newt's shoulder and glared at Teresa before pulling Newt, so he could follow him off the boat.

Thomas stared at Newt the entire time. He couldn't believe it, Newt was alive.


Newt looked up and made eye contact with Thomas. Newt grinned at Thomas , and if you weren't watching close enough you might of missed that small blush that the boys shared.


I'm seriously getting butterflies just writing this and I haven't even made anything happen yet.

Again I'm begging you CAN SOMEONE PLEASE COMMENT SOMETHING. I just want one comment then I'll never ask again, but seriously are any of you alive on the other side of this screen?

See you later and happy New Years Eve!


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