Chapter 14

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Hey I'm back again!!!


The next day Thomas woke up with his head pounding. He vaguely remembers getting drunk the night before, but someone brought him to his bed. Almost as if he were reading his thoughts a certain British voice calls out to him. "G'morning Tommy" says Newt. Thomas's chin is resting on top of Newt's, and they're spooning each other with Newt facing his chest. "Morning Newt" Thomas replies. Thomas is about to move to get up when the ponding in his head comes back. He groans and stops trying to move, making Newt laugh before he;s interrupted by his own headache. "If you slintheads drink like that every night I won't survive." Newt says chuckling a bit. Thomas smiles fondly at him before responding. "We only drink on special occasions, don't worry." Newt hums happily before snuggling closer to his lover.

The two boys stay there for an hour just enjoying each other's company. But it isn't called the Ivy Trio for nothing. "G'MORNING SHUCKFACES, aww my head!" Minho exclaims stumbilling into their tent. Newt mumbles something into Thomas's chest before snuggling deeper. "Minhooooo!" Thomas whines, pulling Newt closer to him. "Nope suck it up shanks my head hurt, and Sonya's downright scary when she hungover." Minho replies. Then he jumps in the bed and starts to spoon Thomas. "You need some bromance in this room, scooch over you take up too much space." he says before snuggling into Thomas's back. "I see you haven't changed." Newt mumbles before pulling away from Thomas and shifting over. Thomas just grones and shifts over as well. The three boys fall asleep with Newt's head buried in Thomas's chest and Minho's head buried into his back.

"Alright come on time to- oohhh what's going on here?" a voice says. The three boys look up to see Frypan there smirking at them. Frypan and Harriet being the only ones who don't get downright wasted, have to wake up the others. Minho groaned he let go of Thomas a rolled over. "I feel like I'm dead, I'm alive but I'm dead." Of course being a drama queen he closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out. "Well you might wanna resurrect yourself because Sonyas looking for you." Frypan said, still smirking. Minho then jumped up out of bed and rushed to the tent's exit. "If I die tell my story!" he announces before walking out leaving the laughter of the three boys behind.

Frypan smiled fondly at the two boys. Thomas sat up, and Newt was practically on top of him with his head in Thomas's chest. "By the way, Thomas, Vince told me that you tried to tell him something before the ship came, and he's ready to hear it when you are!" Frypan said cheerfully before leaving the room. "What did you want to tell him?" Newt askes, after Frypan leaves. Thomas blushes a bit before responding. "I had this idea, so you know how W.I.C.K.E.D. taught us everything we know?" When Newt nodes he continues. "Well over the past month I learned that I knew a lot about technology and stuff like that, so I was thinking I could be the Safe Haven's mechanic." He said, and then looked at Newt to see his reaction. Newt was already beaming at him. "That's brilliant Tommy!" he exclaims, British accent coming through. The two lovers share a long loving kiss before getting up to get dressed.

The two boys walk to the mess hall together holding hands with smiles on their faces. Then Vince walks over to them, and he starts to smile as well seeing the effect that Newt has on Thomas. "Hey boys, mind if I steal Thomas for a second?" he asks in a tone that implies he's not really asking. Newt just smiles, adn starts to walk away, but not before calling out. "See you soon Tommy!"

Once Newt has walked away the two of them start to walk and talk. "So, you wanted to tell me something?" Vince askes. "Yeah, I was thinking since I know a lot about technology, and mechanical stuff, maybe I could be the Safe Haven's mechanic. To like fix things when they're broken, or create new things." By the end of Thomas's little rant he was blushing with embarrassment. Vince smiled at him and clapped him on the back. "Come on, I've got to show you something."

By the time Thomas made it to the mess hall everyone was nearly done with their meals, and Thomas was smiling like crazy. He plopped down next to Newt and started to devour his food like a mad man. "What's got you so happy?" Sonya asked with a smile on her face. "Vince thought that me being a mechanic was a good idea, I start in three days!" Thomas said, his smile unwavering. The kids at the table let out a little cheer, and started to laugh.

The rest of the day was mostly the same as always. With Minho complaining about how Thomas got three days off of work before he had to work again, and then he started complaining how Newt didn't have to work as well. That was until Sonya got him to shut up. At the bonfire everyone was laughing and hanging around with each other. The only person in the entire Safe Haven that wasn't there was Teresa (even Martha was there). But no one could be bothered by Teresa's absence. This place was home, and at the end of the day Sonya went off with Harriet and Frypan, and the Ivy Trio ended up spooning each other again. "You need a little bromance in all this romance." Minho mumbled before falling asleep with Thomas and Newt.


Hope you liked it!!! I added a bit of Tominewt bromance because it just felt right! Later!!!


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