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Hello! My name is Claire and I'm a big reader. When I read the Maze Runner I absolutely loved it! I wanted to create this fanfiction where Newt and Thomas do end up together. I hope you like it!


Where am I

What is this place

Where is everyone

That was Thomas's exact thoughts when he woke up. Then he remembered what happened with Janson and Teresa. 

Newt isn't here

Thomas knew that Newt wouldn't be there. Newt was gone, but some crazy part of Thomas just hoped that maybe he would die too. Maybe he would see Newt again. Maybe he would get to say sorry. So many maybes, but Thomas still lived on. 

He wouldn't give up.

Newt wouldn't of wanted him to.


Okay I think this was a decent intro. I'm really exited to be working on this story even if just one person reads it. Later!


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