Chapter 12

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I have risen from the dead!!! Sorry for not updating for a while my life has just been one big mess, but I'm trying to move past that now. Enjoy!


When Thomas walked back inside the med-jacks tent he saw that Newt was awake. He must have woken up when me and Teresa were talking. Newt smiled at him, and Thomas sat down next to his bed.

"Hey Tommy" Newt says with an adorable smile on his face. Thomas can't help but smile back at him. "Hey Newtie" Newt's eyebrows rise at the new nickname, and he smiles a bit wider.

"Sorry I would've been here when you woke up, but Teresa wanted to talk." Thomas explains. To his surprise Newt's soft smile doesn't falter, and he just gives Thomas a quick nod of acknowledgment. "She kept thinking about what she was going to say to everyone when she got here, so I figured she would talk to you sooner or later." Next explains.

For a moment the two boys just stared at each other. Then they started to lean in. When their lips touched they were hesitant at first, but then melted into the kiss. After a minute of kissing with love and passion the kiss got more intense. Both boys were making up for lost time spreading their love and lust into the kiss. Newt pulled Thomas on top of him, so Thomas was straddling Newt.

Newt's hands cupped the back of Thomas's neck, and Thomas's hands were at Newt's waist. Suddenly Thomas started to tug on the hem of Newt's shirt. Just as he was about to lift it a voice stopped them.

"STOP EATING EACH OTHERS FACES!" Minho screamed so that half the Safe Haven could hear. "I come in to visit you two and I find this!!!" He yelled again only slightly quieter this time. Newt and Thomas' faces were bright red, and they broke out into laughter. "Unbelievable" Minho muttered trying to hide his own laughter.

This reminded Thomas of when Newt and his almost first kiss got spoiled.

Thomas was still a greenie, he couldn't even remember his own name yet. Him and Newt were sitting together leaning on a log, and looking at the Glade away from the bonfire. Newt just finished explaining what Grievers were, and Thomas was lost in his own thoughts. Out of his peripheral vision he could see Newt looking at him, so he decided to look back at him. The boys stared at each other for a moment, both admiring the other's features. Newt loved the way that Thomas's eyes turned the color of whiskey when the light hit them just right, and Thomas loved the way that Newt's eyes got cloudy whenever he was thinking, or how they got lighter when you had his full attention. Soon the boys started to move closer to each other, and they both were leaning in, but just then screams erupted from the fighting circle distracting both boys. Gally just won another fight. With that Newt stood up. "Come on let me show you around." He said, so Thomas got up and walked with him.

With their moment over Thomas got off of Newt and sat at the end of Newt's bed holding his hand, and Newt sat Indian style next to Thomas. Minho took a seat in the chair Thomas was sitting in before, and then he showed the boy what he brought with him. Minho had a big tray packed with food from dinner, so the boys all ate in comfortable silence together.

Minho eventually had to break the silence, so he asked a question. "Sooooo, now that Newts' up will you finally leave the place?" He asked. Thomas shrugged, but then Newt interjected. "What do you mean finally leave?" he asked, putting an emphasis on finally. Minho looked up confused, but then he put on his signature smirk. "Well you see Thomas here refused to leave the tent until you woke up." Minho said, raising his eyebrows at Thomas.

Newt looked over to Thomas for an explanation, but Thomas just kept his head down blushing a bit. "Bloody hell Tommy you didn't have to stay with me the whole time!" Newt exclaims, making Thomas blush more. Thomas glanced up a bit to see Newt shaking his head, and Minho smirking at him.

Thomas then looks back over to Newt when he hears him mumble something a bit too loud. "You're lucky I love you." he says, then freezes looking at Thomas panicking a bit. Thomas freezes too and both the boys make eye contact. As soon as they make eye contact they both start to blush, but neither dare to break it. Then Thomas smiles at Newt. "I love you too." He says.

Both boys are blushing like crazy before Minho breaks the silence again. "Damn shanks, that was some beautiful klunk right there." He says, pretending to tear up. "Excuse me I've gotta go cry." He says before walking out of the tent leaving the two lovers behind.


I hoped you liked it!!!


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