two ✿

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putting this in every chapter with smut in it so y'all know you're about to get scarred in advance.

i could see it in your eyes, those
dark swirls that i have often likened
to an infinite obsidian abyss, staring
straight into my soul. but that was what
drew me to you—the danger. it made
me want to explore every single inch
of you, no matter the consequences,
and there were many.

 it mademe want to explore every single inchof you, no matter the consequences,and there were many

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"I never did understand the need for paperwork." David sighed as he walked into work as the sight of Spencer and Emily hard at work at their desks met his eyes.

"Not after all these years with the bureau? Really?" Derek asked him before walking to hid desk.

"Well I usually pawned it off to some rookie desk agent--"

"But he got caught in '03 and now he has to personally deliver his files to the section chief." Aaron grinned lightly as he walked up next to Rossi. "But you have something more important than paperwork going on today."

Spencer's ears trained on that bit of information and soon he was staring right at Rossi with curiosity glistening in his honeyed irises. "And that would be?"

"I have a meeting in LA with my editor about a new novel." Rossi replied, already seeming exasperated by the whole ordeal. "I'm leaving shortly, just wanted to check up on you guys."

"You didn't have to do that." Emily drawled from her desk. "Unless you have a plan to get us out of doing paperwork?"

"Sorry, I cannot help there. I'm banned from messing with the paperwork. I will see all you young people when I get back." Rossi bid them goodbye shortly after that, he left the building en route to a plane waiting for him at the airport.

Aaron turned back to his team after he waved at Rossi before the elevator doors closed in front of him. "Rossi not being here does not excuse any of you from paperwork." The members of the team in the bullpen groaned. "Get back to work everyone."

One by one, the BAU settled into an almost serene silence. The bullpen was blanketed in a calm that the otherwise admittedly stressed agents rarely ever experienced. For once, Aaron was not feeling the stress that paperwork brought along as he listened to music while scribbling down endless amounts of information, ending them with a flourish of his signature and slipping them into their manilla folders, waiting to be flipped open again, not as their most recent case, but as a distant memory they would do better to forget. JJ was the same--tucking herself into the gory details of past cases, but masking it with a doodle on the corner of a page or humming out the occasional happy tune. The only one full of life, like usual, was Penelope. She was blasting music through her headphones, bobbing her head up and down and swaying ever so gently as her pen left glamorous cursive letters in its wake.

falling, fallen | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now