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i love you. like the moon
loves the sea, and fire loves
oxygen. i love you. but i can't
see a way for us to work, so
i have to leave you, no matter
how much it pains me to do so.


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"Boxes." Luca said happily as he carried in a whole bunch of flat cardboards Mia was folding into big boxes.

"It's really just our clothes, everything else is already in storage in LA." Mia said as she retied her hair into a neater ponytail.

Luca nodded. "I know. But we both have walk in closets and we both buy clothes that we don't need all the time."

"To be fair, you model." Mia pointed out.

"True. You have no excuse." Luca poked her.

Mia shrugged, "The clothes want me to wear them."

Luca laughed and helped her fold all her clothes. They had already filled up their suitcases so the next best thing was boxes.

"We're taking my dads jet, so we can take all this stuff directly to our place because I don't trust shipping." Luca told her.

Mia snorted, "Of course we are."

Mia and Luca were leaving Virginia early. Initially, only Luca was supposed to go since he had a photoshoot in LA, but after everything that had happened, Mia chose to go with him.

"We're only leaving four days, so don't pack everything." She told him as she watched him gather a lot of clothes from her cupboard.

"I'm already packed. You're just a slow poke." He rolled his eyes as he sat back and watched her fold.

Mia stuck her tongue out at him as she folded her clothes and he leaned over and gripped it with his fingers.

"Hey! Sthap thhat." She spoke as he held her tongue.

He laughed and let go of her tongue and she gave him a look before she carried on packing.

"So, you excited to practice medicine again?" Luca asked as he rolled around on her bed.

"Can you stop that." She poked him as he rolled onto her. "And yeah. I've missed it." She smiled.

The topic of Aaron hadn't come up ever since Dave had explained what had happened to Mia. Instead, Luca and her had spent the day together, watching movies and going for a swim later on in the evening. They hadn't had a day by themselves in a while and it was refreshing.


At the BAU, Dave thought it was high time him and Aaron had a chat after the religiously avoided each other like the plague.

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