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take my hand
take my whole
life too

take my handtake my whole life too

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Arriving in LA was strange for Aaron. He'd already found an apartment, he already had a new job and was in the process of buying a new car after selling his old one, his life sounded normal; but everything felt strange.

He didn't have that sense of security that came from knowing that the team was there, even though he never used to call them for anything, the fact that he could if he wanted to was comforting.

But it was also exciting to be here. He had just arrived at his apartment and was unpacking a little before heading over to Mia's. He had told Luca that he was moving when he called two weeks ago, but everything he tried to tell Mia, she was either on a shift at the hospital or sleeping.

Well, telling her should be fun.

Aaron drove over to Mia and Luca's apartment in the mid afternoon of the day after he'd arrived in LA. He took the elevator straight up to her floor and walked determinedly to their door, knocking twice and waiting.

A few seconds later an exhausted Mia threw the door open and squinted up at Aaron, her face twisting into a sleepy smile as soon as she saw him.

"You came back." She mumbled.

Aaron nodded and smiled as he watched her eyes close before she stood straighter and her eyes shot open again. She held out her arms and he stepped through the threshold and swept her up in a bear hug, his arms circling her shoulders as she pressed her face against his chest, breathing him in.

"I just got back from a thirty six hour shift." She whispered so softly Aaron almost didn't hear her. "I will question you after I take a nap. Come on."

She tugged him inside and to her room, falling onto the bed and leaving Aaron standing in front of the bed. He sighed before shedding his jacket and slipping off his shoes and slid into bed next to her. Her back was facing him so he pulled her back flush against his chest, his arms wrapping around her torso, much like that time at the party; which felt like eons ago.

Mia smiled as her mind found the same memory.

She fell off to sleep not long after, and while Aaron wasn't tired when he first got there, the sleepy haze that had fallen over the both of them was enough to cause him to fall off to sleep as well.

A few hours later, Mia woke up first and was feeling extremely confused by the hard body pressed up against hers, the arms underneath her shirt, pressed against her tummy as well as the warmth this body was radiating. She turned over and came face to face with Aaron and had to hold in an excited scream. She didn't remember much about getting back from work. In fact, she thought him showing up had just been an extremely realistic dream. But seeing him here, in front of her, made her heart swell.

She had missed him. So much.

"Morning baby." Aaron smiled as his eyes fluttered open and met her soft blue ones.

"Morning." Mia grinned and snuggled into his chest.

They lay in silence for a few minutes, Aaron trailing his hand up and down her arm and Mia traced out gentle swirls on his chest. She paused mid swirl and look up at him and couldn't help but smile.

"Mind telling me why you're here?" She asked him softly.

"You made me get into bed when I got here and fell asleep on top of me." He replied with a playful grin on his face.

She laughed, "You know what I mean."

Aaron nodded slowly. "I want to be with you." He simply replied.

"Aaron." Mia furrowed her brows, thinking her was trying to evade the question again.

"I want to be with you. For every second that I have, I want to spend it with you. Also I had to fly here early to set up my apartment." He slipped in.

Mia nodded. "Oh. Oka—what?"

Aaron smiled widely down at her.

"I had to unpack and everything." He couldn't help but grin.

"You had to...unpack?" Mia's eyes went wide. "In your apartment? In LA?"

Aaron nodded and Mia shot up into a sitting position.

"You..moved here!" She squealed.

Aaron laughed as she launched herself at him and hugging him as tightly as she could, her lips twisting into a permanent smile as she buried her face into her neck.

"I did." He stroked her hair gently as he hugged her, soaking in all her warmth. "For you."

Mia furrowed her brows before she let go of him and met his warm eyes, which has softened as he gazed at her.

"For me?" Mia asked timidly.

Aaron nodded.

"But Aaron, that's your life. In Virginia. You just left it?" Mia frowned.

He lifted his hands off her waist and to her face, cupping her cheeks gently in his rough palms.

"You think it was a bad decision?" He whispered.

Mia shook her head. "I think it was a big decision."

"Well I think it was the right decision. Mia I love you. I know we were going to try and make this work with long distance but—" He paused, trying to find the words, "—I've already done this."

"What?" Mia smiled questioningly.

Aaron sighed, "I've already done the whole traditional way of falling in love. Now I want to do it my way. Our way."

"And part of that is moving here?" Mia asked.

Aaron smiled and nodded. "Yes it is."

Mia sighed and sunk into his arms, her heart fluttering with adoration for the man providing her with an overwhelming dizziness of comfort.

"I like our way." Mia mumbled and smiled up at him.

Aaron lifted her head up and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. This kiss was soft. Warm. As Mia threaded her fingers gently through Aaron's feathery hair, she saw flashes of golden hues dancing in her eyelids. She felt the security that came with the certainty of tomorrow and a kiss that she knew wouldn't be their last.

Aaron sighed as he broke the kiss and gently rested his forehead on hers, not quite wanting to open his eyes just yet. Wanting to savour this moment for just a little while longer.

He is finally where he's meant to be.

it took me so long to write this and it isn't even a long chapter. i decided to dedicate it to mia finding out because he obviously moved up there for her :)
i hope you enjoyed it and now that i have the motivation to write back (thanks to all you lovely people on my message board) hopefully i'll be able to update more regularly <3
— J

falling, fallen | a. hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now